I Thought You Loved Me (Fluff Version)

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"So? Anyone you want to face Mr. Royal Rumble?". Jay plopped himself to the couch next to Adam who had been reading his favourite book since then. "Hmm? I don't know yet, well, maybe I do but I'm not telling you either, it's a surprise, right?", Jay pouted as he couldn't get his answer, "I mean I know there's Drew, Roman, and then you suddenly want to be involved in NXT? That's somehow odd but in a good way".

Adam hummed, "Yeap, they have to keep on guessing before I could surprise attack them. So, got any plans yourself since you came back to the Rumble?". Jay rolled his eyes, "I don't know, it's a surprise remember? Is this why you're not telling me, is it because I t=didn't tell you I joined the Rumble?". Adam shrugged. "Regardless, maybe I'll follow your footsteps and surprise peeps whether I should stop there".

"What about me?"

"I'm not telling you either".

"That's fair. Now, that you mentioned it, I still can't move on the fact that you got cleared to in ring again. I really didn't see that coming at all". Jay then changed his position and laid down on Adam's lap as he looked up on Adam, "Can you tell me again how you reacted when I came out?"

Adam put up a grin as he nodded, " Sure babe, I for sure was nervous on who was going to come out next because I was already getting tired and they were more piling in the ring, I don't know whether this next person would help me or fight against me. When your entrance theme came on, everything went legit silent in my head for some reason and I thought I was dreaming and I looked up and saw you walk out, it was really you and you did great surprising me, because you told me you were handling the team backstage as you always do. I was about to run to you but like I need to regain focus and you were on a roll again, eliminated Lashley and I was amazed like Wow, again, I wanted to just kiss you but you know, so we hugged. Best moment in my life".

Jay smiled hard as he pushed away Adam's face, "Until Matt decide to third wheel our moment and we tagged team him", Adam nodded as his answer, "Oh yeah, and you wrestled, you were actually wrestling like you didn't miss, as if you haven't retired at all. I'm actually surprise you took the time off to throw that rust off".

"Nobody knew about our personal lives beside you were with Beth so they stuck with that, and well, I used that advantage to comeback to workout, trainings and getting cleared. I admit, it was scary knowing my retirement had to come so early, and I didn't think I could do it without messing myself up again". Jay then got up and stretched out his arms but Adam pulled him back in, "Hey, I still have chores to do, including your unwashed laundry, you know that?"

Adam hummed, "Hmm, I haven't cuddle you since the day started so you need a break". Jay rolled his eyes but it was to be held like this right now. "Which reminds me. Since they cleared you for Rumble, how did it actually go? What did they say about your previous injuries, especially with your concussion related injuries, I can't believe I almost forgot about it and everything in between, I am a shitty partner"?

Jay tried to not scoffed by the negativity, "You know you're perfect for me and it's okay, I made sure I did land right and safely. Like I said, I was nervous if they didn't clear me again, as if I can't be like you or Daniel, as if I was going to permanently do it again, do what we grew up to do, yeah, but when they said okay, I wanted to tell you so bad but I kept reminding that I wanted to surprise you. Overall, I am fine". Adam nodded slowly, he knew that he would still worry over him, it was already hard enough to watch him collapse in the middle of a pathway one time and stayed in the hospital for a nearly a week.

Next day came by quick when Adam was scrolling through his Instagram, recently posting a fan edit made on what title he would pursue until he heard footsteps.

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