Don't Get Up, I'll do it

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That was it, the news that broke Jay to a million pieces. He was told that he should retire due to his repeated concussions and it was best to let wrestling go. 

With that, his head was spinning and without realising, he had passed out, there was so many things rushing through his mind, he needed to shut them out. Luckily for him, his newly wed husband was there for him and managed to get Jay back but of course he had to deal more medications now. 

When Jay woke up, he thought he would feel better after last night but he was sore, tired and still dizzy from moments ago. As soon as he got up, Adam or Edge caught his hand. "Where do you think you're going?"

Jay sighed, "Just to the kitchen and make us breakfast". 

Adam whined as he pulled Jay back, "No, come lay back here". 

Jay sighed again but now complied. Adam then got up and put on his shirt, Jay thought he was better so he got up again, "Don't get up, I'll do it". Jay looked at him as he nodded slowly, he was still replaying the news in his head as he laid back and covered himself with the sheets. Adam looked at him, he knew that look, Jay was in his stress and sad mode. However, he needed to make breakfast first. 

Adam then came back to their room, Jay was already up but he was looking his hands. When Adam placed the food, Jay smiled a little as they both eat their breakfast. They then talk about other stuffs, Adam would hope it could distract him further. 

Jay then winced as he felt a stab feeling in his head, "I'll get your painkillers". Adam got up, sending their dishes away and came back with the meds. 

After Jay ate his pills, Adam told him to lay down on his lap gave Jay a soothing massage. He was burning up a little, and Jay looked like he had trouble breathing, Adam tried to calm him down, he thought he was going to any anxiety or panic attack. 

Minutes Later

"I'm sorry".

"What for?"

"Not be able to wrestle, and now we need to find better jobs to keep us financially stable". Jay felt his tears come out and Adam wiped them away. 

"It's okay, I'm sure we're not that retired, just from the ring, i'm sure they want a 2nd season of the E and C show, so no more Captain crybaby Christian okay?"

Jay groaned as he wanted to push Adam but Adam managed to pin him. "Don't you worry, I'll make you feel better, you hear me?"


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