Could have done something

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(For you evil_mandy,you made me do this)

(Also, I was inspired by an Instagram video shown above, credits to person who post)

How did it all began? It was too fast for Adam Edge Copeland, seeing how much energy drained from him inside out, he just couldn't witness any more of it.

Minutes before

"What? Woah, what do you mean by beating Jay up?". Adam watched as Randy was prepping himself for the segment.

"Yeah, we talked about it, and Jay was okay with it, he said that it helps our rating as Rated RKO". Adam wasn't buying it a little, he knew Jay but he never knew how Jay would even let this happen to himself. Is it...true?

He cared for Jay, like to the point he was unsure if he meant like a friendly way or more than that. But then he did, he wanted more than just being friends with Jay, he wants to call Jay his and his only.


"Hmm? Yeah, let's go".

Once he and Randy were walking to the position, Jay was watching the monitors as he noticed Adam and all he did was a small smile, ever since rated rko existed, he and Jay were slowly apart and it was awkward, they had barely talk without Randy being all clingy person.

*Time Skip*

Jay was trying to knock some sense to Edge about why what he was doing was wrong and suddenly he felt a chair hit the back of his head. Edge did expect that to happen but he somehow felt it than Jay felt it, but soon realised he was the bad guy here so he helped Randy.

However, things took a turn. Bad...real bad.

Randy then hit Jay so hard with a steel chair that he started to bleed. Adam nearly puked by the scene, he was actually have to watch what is going on.

Soon, they threatened the WWE universe on their brutality as Randy laid Jay on top of a chair and started to hit Jay multiple times. No one knows how Jay is, he wasn't moving at all. AT ALL.

Randy on the other hand, hit the final blow and saw Jay twitched a little. As soon as they were done, they left the scene but Adam was looking at Jay the wbole time and nearly just stbled to the ramp, what have he done? He didn't agree to let this happen. It was suppose to be just bruises, not a fucking murder scene.

He trapped himself in his locker room when he heard the EMTs rushing in, scremaing at one another to save Jay. He tries to shut the noise off until a knock on the door was heard.


Adam opened the door, only letting half of his face shown, it was Beth. She watched the whole thing and knew.

"Can I come in?"

Adam kept quiet but walked away from the door, as soon as she got in, Adam's tears were uncontrollably flowand Beth quickly wrap him to a hug.

"I-I d-ddidnt mean to hurt him!"

Edge decided to come visit the hospital the next morning to calm himself down and prepare for a good silent session with his best friend, the word best friend, it wasn't enough for him, not even brotherly love, he wanted more than that.

The Next Day

Edge got his room number and he got few get well soon cliche cards, and it was then he was informed that Jay was at the rooftop to have his mind clear, more like a way to just being, alone with the weather, most patient would go to the park nearby but Jay insisted to go to the rooftop, but with all right reasons, not the negative way. 

One of the nurses also insisted that Edge should being a wheelchair for Jay, just in case he pass out, because he has concussions from the incident. It did made Edge weak on his knees but he didn't show. 

So he went up to the rooftop level and soon as he opened the door, he saw Jay nearly fall and pushed himself the chair and caught Jay in time. 

"Oh hey, you alright?"

Jay turned around, his left side of his head were wrapped with some bandages, even his eye were patched, not sure what happened to his eye but yeah, other parts looks okay. He knew his ribs were also broke. 

"H-hey, sorry about that, I should have been in bed huh?"

Edge, never-mind, Adam, for Jay, it was just Adam and Jay, not Edge and Christian. Adam kneel  in front of him, "Glad you're okay, I was so worried and god, I didn't know Randy was going to hurt you that bad, he only told me that we were just going to hurt like the usual, damnit". 

"Hey, it's okay, this showed that you're one of the greatest heels now".


Adam looked down as he held back his tears, tears of guilt. Jay patted his shoulder. "Adam, what's going on with you?"

"I...just so worried. I thought I killed you. It's my fault I didnt stop Randy sooner. I don't know what else to be sorry for".

"Well I forgive you".


Jay sighed as he let Adam just cried on his lap. "There there, I forgive you because you're my best friend. No matter how bad it is, I forgive you. There's no reason for me to hate you, we been doing this together for so many years. I got used to it".

Adam took a minute to calm down as he looked up at Jay, "I love you".

"Love you too man".



"I really love you, like actual having feelings for you Jay, you don't have to answer right away but I just felt like you should know".

Jay kept quiet for a good 10 seconds and Adam immediately looked down, he was afraid that he just wasted years of friendship.

"Ok, it still new but I'm willing to try. So when's our first date?" Jay grinned at him and Adam instantly laughed. Just adorable.

"C-Can I kiss you?"

Jay slowly nodded as Adam got up to his level and slowly laid his lips on Jay's. The warm feeling, felt so good. Even better,Jay was cupping his face, asking for more. They pulled away for breath after a minute.

" that",there he was again, Jay acting adorable as Adam then took a small wooden stool right by the wall and sat beside Jay, having his right arm wrapping the smaller man.

"I wanna protect you even more now. No more hurting you, if Randy puts that idea again, I'll spear him to the grave".

Jay leaned on him as he smile. "My hero". Adam scoffed as he gave Jay a small kiss on the head, right where few stitches were present. This made Adam becoming more protective of his now profound lover. Anything happens, they0're dead

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