I Didn't Know(20% Angst)

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(Thanks to you evil_mandy. I decided to do it anyway)

Edge and Christian..one of the greatest tag team on the WWE. On screen and Off screen brothers from another mother, but most of the time span, Christian, his real name Jay Reso.

All the time, he had been, well he could admit to himself, he is in love with with Edge...Adam Copeland.

He fell for him when he was already starting friends with him but of course he was questioning his sexuality. But it is 2018 now...so this could be, his chance. However Adam....is straight. Yeah, rumors were he and Beth Phoenix are a thing. They are, they have 2 kids too. It shattered Jay alright but he was proud, he loved seeing Adam smile whenever he can. But certain times, he just wish he could leave. He couldn't handle it, but Adam couldn't stay away from him, it's killing Jay, it does.


They were just done filming for their new E and C totally reeks of awesomeness. Unfortunately for Jay, his mood went all the way down, he just wanna go, not caring if Adam-

"Jay! Come on! You haven't ate anything in a while. You ok?"


"What's wrong? An Ex Girlfriend?"

"Why don't you just shut up and leave me alone!" Adam was in complete shock, he actually never heard Jay talked to him like that. It made him feel, sad? Without realizing, Jay already had left him into the dust. He sighed as he went back to his room, just in case Jay comes back, since most of his stuff were there.

He laid down at the bench available, and closed his eyes, maybe taking a nap would be perfect, when suddenly he felt someone shaking him, it was "Beth? What's going on?"

"Adam! It's Jay!"

"What? I don't get-"

"Got into a car accident, we need to go now! His car got slammed through the traffic. Come on!"

As soon Adam heard it, his heart dropped. Was he hearing right? His Jay? Wait, his...what is, why is he thinking of "His Jay". he snapped out from his thoughts as he and Beth rushed to the hospital.

After reaching to the destination, all he could process was the sight from outside of Jay's room. he looked so banged up,wires and tubes around him. But at the same time he was listening to the doctor's conversation with Beth, from internal injuries to concussions, broken arms, ribs, what else was there? Adam didn't care, all he wanted to just get in the room and sat there for how long, whatever it takes to see Jay wake up.

"Adam? I need to talk to you about something". Adam kept his neutral face despite it, as he followed Beth. "Adam, look, I know I love you as much as you love me, but Jay, he loves you more than i do".

Adam furrowed his brows together, he wasn't understanding anything right now. "What? Are you saying Jay's...oh my god". Then it all came back to him, all those memories, everything, it was because, Jay wasn't only being his brother from another mother, he felt for him, all these times, Adam never knew, or even noticed how lately Jay acted around him, especially with him and Beth and now with 2 kids. It must have been hurting Jay all these years. shit.

"It's okay Adam. Know that me and the kids will always love you no matter what, but right now, I think you should go inside, be with him until he wakes up okay?"

Adam wanted to respond but his mind was telling him to push his legs to the room and he did. He got closer, felling all the aches as he stepped into the room and sat down on one of the chairs provided. "Hey Jaybird. Oh what am I kidding? Look at you, shit, this is all my fault huh? fuck". He slowly grabbed the uninjured hand, curled his fingers, as he felt the bruises, but it was still warm, good thing too.

"If I had known all these time, I just thought you weren't up for it. i liked you too, but I keep denying, it's 2018, hell we be together for so long, have our own kids, you could have that cat you always wanted, all i wanted was my Jaybird be right by me all the time, until when, i don;t know, I just want to let you know, I feel the same and Beth and I, gonna work thing out, but rihgt, you;re the important topic right now. I'll be here too, okay/ So you won't never ever feel alone anymore, cuz I'll be here".

*Hours later*

Jay groaned as he opened his..right eye? fuck, his body felt sore, wondering what happened, as he felt all this weight, beeping sounds. Shit, he got into an accident. Once his left eye was bale to open, he tried tilting his head, just absorbing the environment. When he turned to the left, he felt a weight on his hand, apparently felt like someone held his hand, he wanted to budge but failed. As his vision were getting clear, now he knew, he was shook, but his body couldn't allow to surprise himself, it was Adam himself.

Adam then started moving from his slumber, stretching body as he was getting numb from his sitting position. "Jay? Oh my god..you're awake! Oh my god". Jay wanted to just say something, just need to catch a moment but soon cut off with a pair of lips were on his, and it was Adam's. Not only he felt those lips, but tears dripping from the other man, is he crying?

Soon as Adam pulled away, Jay now felt his heart ache, Adam was crying, "I thought you couldn't make it and...I didn't know what to do and I love you". Jay only managed to kept hs mouth shut, dam knew that happened, so he just slowly explain everything, even apologize and apologize, all over again until jay just reached out to his hand and gripped hard. "Shut up and let me sleep please".

Adam looked down, wiped his tears, "I'm sorry".

"Love you too. Always".

Adam looked at him again as his Jaybird slept so peacefully, with that smile he always admired from day one, as he laid his head next to Jay's uninjured hand and close his eyes, this time...grateful for a new beginning.

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