Q and A

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(Good Morning evil_mandy)

How do they know each other?

Edge: I mean we met during the 6th grade and he had a ninja star, which back then was cool and then we found out our love for wrestling

Christian/Jay: It was love at first sight

First impression as wrestlers, since they are related

Edge: Umm, I think basically I was neutral about it, and his abilities, I was amazed.

Christian/Jay: But I'm not like you, the moment you wrestled, I know, you were awesome and already a Rated R superstar.

Edge: It's okay, I told you from the beginning, I can never forget about you, you deserves so much better okay?

Christian/Jay: *blushes*

What was each other like 25 years ago and the difference with them now

Christian/Jay: Basically we were like immature kids back then, but yeah, years gone by, we got more professional in a sense that not everything you ned to cry about or piss about, just be patient, keep working hard, show them what you got, you'll end up like Edge here.

Edge: And you too

Christian: I'm telling you, I'm not gonna be in the hall of Fame

Edge: Shh, I told you, I will put a petition, You will be in the hall of fame, I wont give up until you headline.

Christian: I love you

Ever got jealous with one another

Christian/Jay: If by fame then yes, I mean but he deserves it better than me, I wasn't comfortable being solo at first, because he was always been there for me and when we were on being singles career, it really did shattered me a little but I learned how to be like him, be strong, and that's how I got my first world title reign.

Edge: I was jealous that he looked better than I am with the short hair

Christian: What?? Why?

Edge: Did you ever had any idea that how may girls were looking at you, I was jealous because I thought you were straight then, and you might leave me.

Christian: *cute voice* Nooooo, don't be like that, you know that I love you than anyone else

Do you ever think they would get to where they are now, back then when they were just started wrestling

Edge: Honestly, I didn't expect met o be retired early, but I wouldn't have It any other way if it meant being stuck to this goofball

Christian: Yet you still love this goofball

Edge: That I do, that I always do.

Christian: *tries to kiss Edge*

Edge: Like I always do you

Christian: *stops and then slap Edge's arm*

Edge: Owwwww

When edge got solo, how did Jay react

Christian: I mean, yeah it was hard to find out that we were gonna break but it's okay, again, if it makes Edge's career elevated then I was willing to sacrifice everything

Edge: *melted* I DON'T DESERVE YOUUU *hugs him tight*

Christian: Help meee

When Jay went out of wwf/wwe, how did edge feel?

Edge: It was hard, because I thought I could have known earlier but no, he didn't talk to me about it either, so yeah, which led our temporary breakup but he was crying back to me-

Christian: Liar! You're the one who was finding me at the arena, crying, begging me to not leave him even if we're at different company.

Ever saw each other naked?

Edge and Christian: Yes, all the time

The edge lita public sex scene, what did Jay think of it? Did he know about it beforehand

Christian: Definitely I didn't know beforehand indeed, and it was uncomfortable to watch, like shit.

Edge: I'm sorry, we tried to reject the idea, I'm sorry

Christian: It's fine, don't ever talk about it again, ever.

Also how close are they really? R is it just for tv?

Edge: to be honest, no, it's not just for the tv, we never realised our feelings until Jay confessed it to me, and I was unsure at first, but the more I keep thinking about it, I felt the same but I just couldn't describe it. So, thank you Jay.

Jay: *tries not to cry*

Edge: And I truly love you, really do. 

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