I Thought You Loved Me (Full Angst Version)

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Adam had been shaking his leg in nervousness, not sure how long he had been sitting in one of the hospital benches. It really bothered him when the moment he had found out about Jay, with the pandemic going on, the virus was indeed not a joke at all and put on a lot of brakes to a lot of things including wrestling. It made everyone took the tests, luckily, he was one of the lucky ones, but he couldn't say the same for Jay.

Adam didn't notice at first but he did notice those few times where Jay had been having hard time keeping his breathing under control without hurting himself and his lungs, even at home. He was soon brought back to reality when one of the nurses called him out. "Oh, I'm sorry, I got distracted. Any Verdict?"

"For now, we do recommend self isolation since he had shown signs of the first few symptoms as you had list out and unfortunately, he is tested positive".

Adam sighed, he didn't think it would be easy to hear that all and process at the same time. "So, could I see him?"

"Of course, but we cannot allow direct contact so don't worry, the barrier isn't soundproof and safe. Don't forget to sanitize and wear your mask". Adam nodded as he walked side by side with the nurse heading towards Jay's room. As soon as they made it to entrance, the nurse knocked on the door and Jay came into view.

"Adam Hey!". Adam put up a smile as a response as he was handed a chair for him to sit on, it felt like prison at one point with a glass barrier between them, and the nurse excused herself, leaving them two. "I'm sorry Jay Jay, I didn't mean to get you infected, why had to be you out of all people? Call me selfish but that's because I care and love you".

Jay scoffed, "You really don't have to worry about me, I got the minimum part for now, now it's recovery process, like any other injuries, I'll come back".

"This is not a joke Jay, have you not paid attention to the news, this pandemic, the virus itself is deadly, and you sound very cocky with it, you're taking this lightly, don't you think?". Jay looked down, "You're right, I didn't mean to sound like that but I just don't want you to worry that much, I'm doing my best right now".

Adam nodded but he was still sad over it, "Can't hug you anymore huh?".

Jay sighed, "Yeah, kind of control your clingy ass on me and lessen the risk of you getting infected, with you joining the Royal Rumble and win remember?", and he was not wrong, in the next 2 weeks, it was going to be the PPV.

"Well yeah, I'm gonna be cheesy and say I'm doing it for you".

"Pssh, don't say that. Anyways, whatever meds they gave me, I'm getting sleepy but talking to you is already nice". And Jay tried to not yawn but he did. "Okay Jay bird, go ahead and rest, I'm going home and get some rest too. I'll come back tomorrow I promise". Jay nodded as he went back to bed, and dozed off immediately.

Adam managed to whispered before getting up, "I love you, hold on, I know you're going to be okay".

Next day came by, Adam had just finished his daily training with Beth, with regular cardio and in ring workouts which made Adam more excited for the Rumble, he promised Jay he would win and Jay is going to win against the virus.

"So I heard Jay's in the hospital, how are you holding up?"

"He's a fighter, for now he has the minimum symptoms despite being positive, so later and until then, I'll keep visiting him, checking his progress and so on, right after I hit the showers". Beth nodded, "Honestly, you two are like meant for each other, nobody else can go in between unless you two have to, I'm such a third wheeler". Adam smiled, "Thanks, and I have to actually thank you for being our third wheeler and the captain of the ship".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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