I Can't Move

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"Hey, get up, the match is over". Edge or Adam opened his eyes, the light was blinding him but soon a figure came into view. It's Jay.

"You won by the way".

"I can't move".

Jay sighed as he sat down. "Need another few minutes?". Adam nodded, he may be uncomfortable lying down on top of a trailer, sticky from al the sweat after hours of shooting his wrestlemania match with Randy.

"Great Job on your regurn match, worth months of training, years of recovery and patience".

"Thanks, are you okay?"

"Well, you did try to give me a heart attacj at this age and I'll grow my grey haurs faster than you".

Adam let out a soft chuckle, "Alright, I think its time to take a shower and go home. What do you say?".

Jay got up as he laid out his hand, "I like that, well, I would be a baby but since its you, I guess I be your slave for tonight huh?"

Adam managed to push himself upwards and got up, holding Jay's hand. "Well, that I won't deny, and since I won, you're lucky I'm too tired and not rail you by now".

The two got back to the locker room and while Adam is at the showers, Jay was packing their stuffs in the car. Randy managws to drop by and gave his thanks and had a small conversation. "Okay, okay, what did I miss? Why you with my boy Randy?"

The 3 then laugh, "Don't worry, I got myself a John Cena so win win" and with that, Randy left.

"Well your stuffs in the front and mine in the back. Good to go?"

Adam smiled, he stared at Jay for a few more moments, not sure why but he was a bit childish at the moment when he felt his heart beat fast.

"Hello, earth to Adam Joseph Copeland, why are you staring me like that?"

"Huh? Nothing, you look dumb". Jay scoffed, "Whatever, you still love me and I need sleep too".

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