"Hey.." She reached her hand and gently caressed my cheek, I leaned down while she slid her hand at the back of my neck pulling me in a soft kiss and kept on gently pulling my lips between hers before parting for a breath.

"You do smell really nice afterall.."


"Feeling better now?" Zhuang took the glass of water from Akio and sat next to him.

"Yeah" Akio replied.

"Wanna talk about it?" Zhuang asked.

Akio looked at him sternly at first but then sighed a little bit and looked down.

"I want to love him.." Akio replied.

"And you do, don't you?" Zhuang looked away with a hesitant voice.

"Just like normal people, I want to love him just like normal people, without him getting scared, I want him to be able to hold his daughters, to smile with them, to be a family" Akio murmured

"Sorry, should have stopped Mari long ago, she really broke him" Zhuang apologized, though he wasn't really familiar with any of Mari's steps other then at the warehouse with the drugged omegas. The guy she hired to abuse Keitarou wasn't in his knowledge until it had already happened.

"I can relate... With his fears.. I used to work at a strip club back after I got away, there's alot that happened that was relatable, you're bound to get assaulted if not abused, there's alot that killed me inside... But Natsuro saved me at one point just by being there... I figured living with his daughters would do the same for him.. That's why I brought home instead of letting him stay at a faculty.. But he's not improving... " Akio ranted.

"Let's just say, unlike him, you didn't believe you deserved all that... He believes whatever happened to him was his own karma... Just this difference of beliefs is making him unable to come back..." Zhuang replied, If anything, Akio knew he was right about it.

" How do I.. Make him get over this...? "Akio whispered.

" Well... I wouldn't know, it's something he needs to overcome by himself.. Understanding his own self worth, that is" Zhuang replied.

"Do you remember, once when we were younger, before all of this ever happened, that one time we went to that forest for an adventure and got lost?" Akio asked.

"Precious memories, I was crying the whole time and you were so tough, you didn't even cry once but struggled so hard to not just find a way but also to keep me protected" Zhuang replied with a nostalgic smile.

"Actually... I wanted to cry the whole time, I remember thinking inside that it was no use, that we were done for. I was only pretending to find a way so that when we both had to die there alone.. Atleast you wouldn't realize that I had given up inside..." Akio replied, it surprised Zhuang quite a bit.

" Well maybe... " Zhuang tried to say something.

" No... It wasn't because I was just a child, it's because I don't want the other person to lose hope even if I have lost it myself, I only encourage them so that at least by the end of it all, they wouldn't say that I didn't even pretend to fight for them... And that's exactly how it is right now... " Akio clenched his fists.

" What do you mean? " Zhuang asked.

" It means, I gave up long ago, I'm not expecting anything anymore.. Me pretending to help when even I don't even believe in him ever recovering... Is sick isn't it? " Akio gave a self mocking smirk.

"This isn't you..." Zhuang frowned a bit.

"Oh it is, you're just listening to me for the first time, this strength of mine that you were so in love with was all a facade to begin with, I give up on things faster than you can think, the rest is me just keeping up the right face to look good" Akio's response had Zhuang completely silent, he never knew this side of him.

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