Farewell- I

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The red headed man wrapped his fingers around the warm coffee mug that Akio had handed him out before sitting. Until a moment ago everything was still a blur between the older memories and the current ones intervening with one another and things barely made sense.
However when the silence subsided, the two were finally able to look each other in the eye.

"You've grown so much Akio" The man spoke with a nostalgic grief to his voice.

"You haven't changed at all..." Akio told him, though he didn't really mean his appearance by that, but rather the energy that he gave off as a person. It was like nothing had changed in Joshua Hughes from a certain point of life.

Joshua's eyes naturally averted towards the curious girls who couldn't stop looking at him from behind the sofa ever since he'd came in.
"Your daughters are really pretty"

Hearing the word pretty, it was as if Sia and Leah had decided that this man was a good person since he'd called them pretty. Hence they came out excitedly from behind the sofa and quickly ran with their little feet all upto Josh while holding hands.

"I'm Leah! This Sia!" Naturally Leah was the one who introduced herself and her sister first while Sia was more absorbed over the man's weird hair color.

" Red! " Sia pointed, having learned colors quite recently, everything was about colors for Sia.

" I apologize, they're really energetic" Akio still couldn't let go of his formal way of speaking and it wasn't really his fault considering how long it had been.

" Talk normally... " Josh tried to make it seem less awkward than it actually was. He was also smitten by the little girls who were clearly demanding his attention. He'd picked the two up and seated them in his lap.
" Are you little kittens the ones responsible for that"
Josh pointed at Akio whose face and arms were pretty much full of tiny bite marks.

The girls guiltily looked to either sides affirming that it really was them.

"Raising alphas can be pretty hard too I see..." Josh had realized by the energy the two gave off long ago.

"It's quite troublesome..." Akio agreed.

"Your other child..." Josh bought it up, for some reason after all the trouble he'd caused Natsuro he couldn't really dare say his name "I'm sorry...."

Akio couldn't really say anything in response though he'd just nodded with a plain 'hmm'
Originally Akio had alot to say that he'd planned to when he'd finally get to see Joshua Hughes again. However when the time came, he couldn't even utter a single word. It was probably the same for Joshua Hughes himself. He probably came with alot on his mind but when he'd finally seen Akio, he couldn't put it all into words.

There was an awkward silence again before Josh raised his head somehow.
"How could you... forgive him...?"
He'd whispered the last part under his breath.

For a moment there Akio was puzzled what he'd meant and then it all suddenly came back to him.
"We were young" was all Akio could say, this matter was still a huge dilemma for Akio. It didn't matter whether he forgave or not, what had happened couldn't be reversed either way. The only options he had left were either to sit back and lament the past or he could just stand up and walk past the tree outside the zhuang mansion where most of his memories had long been buried and never look behind.

There was yet a long pause again

"I'm sorry..." It was as if Joshua Hughes only knew those words, whenever he'd open his mouth, those words would just slip out without him realizing it.
"I shouldn't have brought it up"

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