Episode 47

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At this point Mr. Uzawa was panicking watching his men fall one by one as they came in Akio's way. Akio wasn't stopping either, he'd reached Mr. Uzawa and grabbed him by his neck lifting him off his feet just by a single grip.

"Don't get ahead of yourse..." Mr. Uzawa coughed struggling at this man's  wrathful grip "You...are...just....an omega!"

"Enough...just give me back Kei kun and I'll leave!" Akio squeezed in the man's neck who reached his hand barely to Akio's neck placing it there while Akio was still possessed by his anger barely cared until he felt a sting and his eyes went sideways to the needle emerging from the secret compartment of Mr. Uzawa's ring. 

Akio let him loose and rubbed in at his own neck.

"What was that" Akio moved away from the man who was coughing and trying to catch up his breath.

"You brought it to this...I wasn't planning on using it like this" Mr. Uzawa coughed rubbing at the purple marks that Akio had left on his neck.

"What is..." Akio suddenly paused, he felt his heartbeat rising, the blood rush getting stronger and his breath getting uneven.

"Sorry it's a little potent because you're an older omega...the younger ones don't require such high potency drug...so its gonna mess up with your senses too...other than the..." Mr. Uzawa smirked and went over to the door entering the code and letting it open "There you go...why don't you go get your Kei kun now?"

Akio's vision became hazy while he dropped to his knees being outta breath and little by little..it started...

Little by Little...the place began to fill up with pheromones.....


I didn't... I didn't... I didn't do it! it was a mistake.... I'm not a mu.....


I heard Alex's voice but my vision was heavily blurred by red. I felt a tug and my body being forcibly pulled and made to run...my mind was blank...

In my hands...it's all red...IT'S....!!!!

"Aoi...?!" Alex said and I finally raised my head. I don't know what came over me..I broke free and ran as if my life depended on it...

Ran into her arms...

"I DIDN'T DO IT..I DIDN'T! ACCIDENTALLY I..THAT MAN ...WITH ALEX AND THEN I GRABBED THE KNIFE AND I DON'T KNOW HOW..AND!" I broke out in her arms whilst she gently pulled me in.

"Natsuro...he's alive, you didn't murder anyone...why don't you get Alex to a hospital..he seems... not very well... I'll call the cops and ambulance..they will stitch up the man and put him in prison..don't worry" Aoi said in a gentle tone and kissed my forehead...

How is she so.....she's so calm....I'm panicking because I stabbed someone....my first thought was he must be dead..but since she's calm...she can tell he's alive..yeah! the doctors will..they will fix this man...I HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! Yes! all I need to focus right now is on Alex and my dad! Yeah I don't have the time to think about a man who is not even dead...just wounded..yeah just a wound..nothing that doctors can't fix! science is so advanced these days ...!

I looked up at her face that lacked any particular expression but Alex's face was a different story...but maybe its because he's traumatized by everything so he keeps making this face...

The face of pure horror


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