The Sacrifice I

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***The events in the following chapter are in the past***

"... Watch the stars together..."

"... Hmmm...."


" Not...yet.."

The girl with curled black hair lowered her face in somewhat of a sulking manner.

"Be patient Clara..." Raina told the sulking girl taking her hand in hers.

"Then..can I atleast kiss you?" The woman named Clara moved forward puckering up her face.

Raina kissed her own fingers and pressed them to her lips instead while giggling "for now, this will do haha"

"This isn't fair.." The girl started sulking again to which Raina moved forward and kissed her cheek instead.

"Just you wait till we get married, I'm not going to let you off that easily" Clara threatened with a smug little smile.

" Ah, I should get home before they notice I'm not there" Raina looked up at the stars, sometimes she had this look on her face, an incomprehensible look that made her appear quite far from reach. Clara often noticed it and would inevitably stare at this beautiful human in awe.

"Just...stay here and tell them that you were doing homework with a classmate as usual.... " Clara Hughes tried to make her stay with excuses, just a moment longer would do...
Her time with this girl always seemed so short that she couldn't help but want to act spoiled...
It's just she always felt that Raina would slip out of her reach one day....the closer they were, the further she felt...
Clara didn't understand her.... Raina wouldn't let anyone understand her either....
She'd always escape right before the moment....

"Can't do, last time Josh almost got in trouble while covering for me... " Raina smiled at her.

" Right Right, all you ever do is worry about that guy, am I more important or is he?" Clara started sulking yet again.

" Haha, you're jealous of him, again?" Raina messed up Clara's hair whilst giggling though all Clara did was pout.
"Besides, master has already fixed Josh's marriage..his days with me are limited now..."

" Heh, sounds nice, then that means you won't have to worry about him anymore and we can get married too" Clara cheered up a bit.

" Silly, I'll always worry about him since he's my only family but yes once he's in a good household, I'll be able to live in peace"  Raina laughed a bit.

" Hopefully it happens soon" Clara looked happier now. She'd already planned so many things for her and Raina.

"Say..Clara?" Raina stared at the stars again gently swinging her legs back and forth, splashing the water of the pond while she was sitting at the wooden edge.

"Hmm?" Clara looked at her,there it was, an unfamiliar distant gaze on her face again.

"...if one day I were to disappear... Can you protect all those whom I'd left behind?" Raina's words in that moment sent chills down Clara's spine.

"Raina!" She somewhat glared at the girl.

"Kidding kidding" Raina brushed it off though her expression went dead serious again in a little
"Josh is the only family I have in this world, we might not be biologically related but we've been together since birth..if one day I am unable to be by his side anymore...can you protect him for me?"

Clara knew Raina was serious on this even though normally all she did was crack jokes and avoid serious talk.
Clara nodded.
"Your family is my family"
Clara replied to which Raina interlocked her pinky with Clara's

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