"C'mon Paris he has life too ya know," I snap and get of the car. She follows while we go inside to the stands apparently here students and teachers get in games free if the bring their school IDs that's not how it was at my old school. I see Rose, Ezra and Eli sitting in the stands saving our spots. I sit next to Eli who kisses me on the cheek. "Hey beautiful."

"Hey," I reply smiling. Eli is so sweet two weeks if he asked me to be his girlfriend I would have said yes no hesitation but now I can't ever since Shawn came. I just should forget about him since he's my teacher and he has a date tonight. I noticed rose eating some popcorn and my stomach started to growl.

"Where's the concession stands?" I ask Rose. "That way near the restrooms. See the line." I nod and go in that direction. I get in line my stomach churns when I end up behind Shawn and his date. They were talking about some tv show I haven't watched before. My phone goes off and I answer it.

"You're behind mr. Mendes and his date talk to them I want the dirt on this woman."

"Goodbye Paris," I sigh and he turns around since I haven't spoken until then.

"Talia?" He says surprised.

"Hello," I smile.

"Eleanor, this is my student and neighbor Talia I was talking about."

"Oh you're his amazing helper, he says you made his transition here easier." I smile at the fact he was talking about me.

"Well I was new here too figured if he had someone to help him he'd feel more comfortable here," I tell her.

"I wish teachers like him worked here when I was going to school here who have made things more interesting."

"Yeah almost every girl has a crush on him." Including myself but I won't ever tell them that.

"Almost what you don't."

"No when you're teacher is also your neighbor the fantasy end real quick," I lie. It was there turn to order. "It was nice talking to you, have a goodnight." She tells me before they start heading to the stands. I get some nachos and water before heading to my sit. I told Paris our conversation since it wasn't anything serious.

"Man I was hoping she was a terrible person, she seems nice." I agree she was definitely not what I was expecting. We watched the game once it started Paris call out Greyson name every time he scored a touchdown. We won the first game of the season which didn't surprise me considering I heard the team made it to the state championship last year. Eli and I head to my car while others go in Rose's.

"So where are we headed?" I ask him for the directions.

"I was thinking that new restaurant The Golden Cottage," He says and I know what he was talking about because it's like eight minutes from my house. It doesn't close for another two hours and there isn't many people here tonight which is good. We're seated quickly our waiter asks what we like to drink before giving us some time to think.

"I don't know what I should get," I say looking at the menu. I look around and this place reminds me of like Chili's or Apple Bees kind of atmosphere. I look and noticed only two other couples, a gay couple looks like their celebrating one of their birthdays and a elderly couple. "I'm going to order a cheeseburger?" Eli says. I didn't want a cheeseburger but their chicken sandwich's look good. After we ordered we talked for awhile.

"How was this week so far I haven't really gotten to talk to you?" He asks.

"Okay, a little boring since I didn't really do anything besides homework. You?"

"I decided to learn to play guitar."

"Really that's amazing, what aspired this?" I say shocked. "I knew a little when I was younger but never kept at it then Ezra, Rose and I decided to start a band, we just need a lead singer." That crazy I wonder how long that will last I don't know if they are serious about this.

"What do the others play?"

"Rose plays bass and occasionally keyboards and Ezra is the drummer." I nod.

"Are y'all going to write songs?" I ask.

"Well we were wondering if you would since you write amazing poems. Also I've heard you sing at karaoke night a few months ago and you were amazing." This feels like a setup.

"I don't know Eli..." I say looking down at me fingers.

"It would really help us out, c'mon just join us for a couple weeks and see if you like it. We want do have band practice every Saturday around 12-3." He tells me and I couldn't deny those beautiful green eyes.

"Fine I'm in but if I hate it I'm out." I tell him. He smiles and grabs my hand and kisses it. At that moment I noticed Shawn and his date sitting across the room from us and Shawn's eyes meet mine. My cheeks feel hot and I avoid his gaze. As Eli and I eat and talk I can't help but take a peeks at Shawn and Eleanor. He seems happy to be with her maybe I should just forget about him.

"Talia?" Eli snaps me from my thoughts.

"Um..?" I say cocking a brow.

"I said, did you think about us?" he asks before paying the bill and leaving a tip. What do I think about us? I really like him but the more I hang out with him the more I realize I just want to be friends. I guess I found my answer.

"Look Eli I really like you, but I'm currently not looking for a relationship and I like our friendship I don't have many people I can confide in." I tell him and breaks me cause I can see the hurt in his eyes.

"Oh okay, I'm going to walk home." He says before getting up but I grab his wrist. "Don't, I can take you home," I say.

"No, I'm fine really, just want to be alone for a while." I nod respecting his wish and let him walk out the restaurant. I grab my purse and keys before sitting in my car. I listen to upbeat music to prevent from crying because I felt horrible that I broke his heart. It also didn't help seeing Shawn leave hand and hand with Eleanor. Tonight really sucks.


Here's another update.

I might update the next chapter today. Vote and Comment if you want it early.


Teacher ✎ Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now