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Third Person's POV

Harmoni groaned as she dropped her shirt on the floor. She rolled her eyes, trying to peer over her protruding eight-month swollen, pregnant belly, but didn't succeed.  Harmoni felt defeated, just about to weep when her husband walked in the room, picking up his shirt and helping her into it. "Happy now?" he teased with a wink. Harmoni glared at him and pouted.

"No, I want this baby out of me," she admitted making Anders laugh.

"Me and you both. I can't wait to see her." Anders put his hands on his wife's swollen belly, feeling for their daughter who they were going to name, Nova Melody Bergland. Anders picked the first name while Harmoni picked the middle. They decided they would interchange with each other, especially after they had their son, Nova's older brother by four years, Elijah.

Harmoni selected the first name while Anders came up with the middle, Anderson. Each child's middle names are similar to their parents' first names. Melody and Harmoni, Anders and Anderson. Harmoni thought it was the cutest thing and would like to continue it if they have more kids after Nova.

"Hey, Nova baby. It's pappa, we want to see you baby, but we aren't rushing you. We love you so much; we can't wait." Anders kissed Harmoni's stomach and then looked up at his wife who somehow managed to grab a bag of chips and started eating some. "Where the fuck did chips come from?" he asked. Harmoni shrugged while stuffing some more chips in her mouth just as their son ran into the bedroom, seemingly hearing the chips being eaten from his room further down the hall and came to investigate.

"Mommy, can I have some?" Elijah asked. Harmoni looked at her husband.

"Get your son. I can't have anything to myself. I'm pregnant. I don't want to share." she complained. Anders laughed before looking at his son and then kissing his forehead.

"Where's Martina? We can all go get ice cream," he said making Harmoni let out a groan.

"Ice cream and fries do sound good right about now." she moaned out. Ander looked back at her with so much emotion eddying in his eyes. He loved this woman dearly. Loves everything about her, nothing anyone can say will make him not love the woman any less, he's that whipped and been that whipped ever since they got married a few weeks after his 32nd birthday and now at age thirty-five and three years into their marriage, he doesn't love her any less, if possible he loves her more.

"You are weird." Anders teased his wife who rolled her eyes.

"It's not bad. You have to try it. It's really good. It's like ice cream and chips." she defended herself.

"Baby, who the hell eats ice cream and chips?" Anders asked laughing some. Harmoni rolled her eyes again before looking down at Elijah who was rubbing her stomach much like Aladdin rubbed the bottle that the genie was in — harshly. She winced.

"Eli, you're hurting me and sissy, baby," she told him softly. Elijah's lower lip trembled.

"I'm sorry mommy." he said before tears started rolling down his chubby cheeks.

"Don't cry big boy. You didn't hurt us." Harmoni cooed reaching down for their son who jumped into his mother's arm. "Love you big boy." Harmoni kisses his face repeatedly while Anders watched on, amused. Just then, Martina rushed into the room, jumping for joy.

"Pappa, are we really getting ice cream?" She asked her blonde hair all over her head. Anders smiled, taming it down some before smiling at her.

"Yes ma'am." He kissed the top of her head. "And we're going to meet mommy there because mommy missed you."

"I'm leaving? But I'm not going to see Harmoni have the baby. And then I'm going to miss them." Martina pouted.

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