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"Why are you home early?" My dad asked when he found me

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"Why are you home early?" My dad asked when he found me. I was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of tea. I sipped it gingerly while looking at him.

"I don't feel well," I answered bluntly. He sighed and walked over to me, holding his hand out to touch my forehead but I leaned back away from his touch. He looked at me sad that I leaned away but, I don't want him to touch me when he just... no.

"What's wrong?" I shrugged.

"It could be from stress. I don't know. But my stomach hurts." I said vaguely. I didn't feel like getting into all of the details. My father sighed, looking up at the clock.

"Aren't you missing that one-."

"He was the one that sent me home," I said cutting him off. "I was feeling that bad that a professor who hates my guts took pity on me." My dad stared at me with a sad look on his face.

"What's hurting you?"

"I don't feel like talking right now dad," I said as I felt my stomach churning as I heard footsteps walking down the steps towards us. I looked up, seeing the woman, now fully clothed, thank God, but the image was still etched in my mind.

"Hi, Harmoni." She spoke, holding her hand out to me. I stared at her hand before looking at my father.

"I'm going to be sick again," I muttered.

"Harmoni, this is my girlfriend. Bianca." My father said looking at the woman who now has significance in my father's life. I pursed my lips together and stared at the two.

"Hi." I greeted dryly. I could feel my father glaring at me.


"Dad, I don't feel well. I'm not in the mood and I just want to chillax until I have to go back to class."

"And when do you go back?"

"When I feel better," I said in a duh tone. I stood up. "I'm going to take a nap," I grumbled, angry that my stomach just kept churning as I felt the blonde bimbo staring at my father with googly eyes like a fucking weirdo.

"I can make some chicken noodle for you if you'd like. My brother used to make it for me when I got sick when I was younger. I'm sure he wouldn't mind telling me the recipe." Bianca offered.

"No thank you," I grumbled walking towards the steps.

"Harmoni, don't be so rude." my father scolded.

"I said no thank you. How more polite do I have to be?" I asked. My father shot me a glare which I brushed off and continued my way up the stairs.


When I felt better, I went back to class. When I walked in, I immediately felt his gaze on me. Before I could even make it the first empty seat, I heard him speak. "Ms. Ramos. Can I speak to you for a moment?" he asked, but then it didn't sound like he was asking. It sounded like he was demanding for me to talk to him. I sighed before making my way to the front of the room.

He had his hair all over his head and he looked tired himself. His shirt was wrinkled which was a sight as he never looked disheveled like this before. I stared at him silently, waiting for him to say something.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. I looked into his blue eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"Huh?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"How. Are. You. Feeling?" he asked slowly. I sighed, scratching the back of my neck and turned slightly so I wasn't facing him all the way.

"I'm feeling better. Thanks for asking." I muttered.

"Good." I looked over at him. "I want you to just get the notes together on your project. That's it," he told me.

"But I-."

"Just do what I said, Ms. Ramos." I huffed.

"I'm going to fail."

"You're not going to fail as long as you do what I say."

"But it's contradicting everything else you said to me before."

"Ms. Ramos, I said don't worry about it," he spoke firmly. I sighed and looked at him with a sad face. "Just do what I just told you and you'll pass."


"Ms. Ramos! I told you to do something and you're not listening."

"I don't trust what you say."

"When have I ever done something to betray your trust?" he asked.

"You never did anything to make me trust you." I spat. He sighed.

"I apologize for that but you'll trust me soon enough."

"I highly doubt it," I muttered before looking back seeing that there were few seats left and they were all near the front. I groaned. "Can I go now?" I asked looking back at Professor Bergland. He looked slightly dazed but as I looked into his eyes, his eyes went back to the slightly harden look before he nodded.

"Go 'head." I nodded before moving towards the seats. As I turned to sit down, I looked up at Professor Bergland seeing a pained expression on his face.

"Are you ok, Professor B?" a boy asked from the back of the class. Professor Bergland cleared his throat and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he muttered, looking at me for a second. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused and just waited for further instructions. "Everybody, get to work. As you all have to turn this in today." he commanded before sitting down at his 'desk' and pinching the bridge of his nose. I stared at him for a little bit longer before turning my attention back to my work and diving into it.

long time no see. I'm back if you guys were wondering. vote if you'd like more

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