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"Ms. Ramos," I heard Anders speak up. I looked up from my paperwork to look at him. "I would like to speak to you in my office," he said with a nod. I looked over at my new partner who looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed, just as confused as I was. I nodded, standing up and excusing myself moving to his office. 

I was just about to turn around to give him a piece of my mind when he pulled me into the small room -- his office--  and closed the door behind us and then pressed me against the door, kissing me hungrily.

I moaned into the kiss immediately. His hands wandered over my body quickly, trying to find an easy access point. I wasn't thinking logically and guided him to where he would be able to get inside without taking off my dress.

As his hands guided the lower half of my dress up, I was able to fight through the lust that clouded my brain to actually think about where we were and what we were doing. "Wait," I whispered pulling away. His hands never stopped moving. He squeezed my ass lightly before smacking it. I hissed out slightly just before he started rubbing it to ease the sting.

He looked up into my eyes with a sad look. "Why'd you pull away?" He asked, his voice laced with desire. His eyes darkened as well. I looked around the room before looking at him.

"We're in your office," I reminded him in a whisper as if there were people outside the room that could hear us. He shrugged, all nonchalantly. "Do you want us to get caught?" There was still a classroom full of people on the other side of the door and here he is, acting like we were alone. 

"Right now, I don't care," he mumbled against my lips before sighing and looking me up and down, then started to pull at my clothes -- my jacket and scarf -- I then pulled away to look at him. "You ok?" I asked concerned. Even though he looked like he was really horny right now, he seemed like he was out of it. 

"Yes, Harmoni." He said as he started pulling his clothes off as well. "Just take your fucking clothes off." He ordered. I rolled my eyes and yet, still undressed as he said.

"Why are you working with him?" Anders asked me randomly, starting to assist me in taking off my clothes.

"Who? James?" I asked once my dress was over my head and was now on the floor by the door. Anders didn't care where my clothes went, as long as it was off my body so he could do whatever he wanted with me. I wish I could say the same, but I would like to have some organization.

"Yes, that asshole." He spat before he started sucking on my neck harshly, he was going to leaving a mark, and I honestly didn't care at this specific moment. Mark me up, baby.

"He's a nice guy, and we're just working on the project together," I spoke as he raised his kisses so now he was kissing along my jaw. He was leaving open mouth kisses, then blowing air onto the spots where he had just kissed, sending pleasure throughout my body

"I don't want you working with him." He murmured against my neck. I sighed before I pushed him away. He stared at me, confused. "What?"

"You can't do that, Anders," I whispered to him angrily. I didn't want people thinking suspiciously about us and the way we were about to argue, I know we were about to get loud. 

"What?" I growled at his ignorance. This man right here is getting on my damn nerves.

"You can't tell me I can't work with someone. I can work with whoever the fuck I wanna work with."

"So you rather work with him than to keep me happy?" I frowned. What? 

"Are you seriously jealous over a fucking classmate? You act like I'm fucking him, Anders. We're working on a project that you assigned, and you never assigned partners. So I don't understand why you're mad that I so happened to find a partner who happens to be a male."

"Yeah, because I know how guys are, Harmoni. He only chose you because you're beautiful and needed a partner and he wants to get in your pants. What's wrong with working with a girl?" I rolled my eyes, getting angry.

"Just because I work with a girl doesn't mean she won't be attracted to me, dumbass." I spat. He nodded, scratching his beard.

"You're right. That's why you will be working by yourself." I frowned, taking in his words before shaking my head. 

"Hell no. No. Anders, you can't do this to me, again." I was beyond angry. Who the fuck does he think he is? He can't just do that.

"I can, and I did." He said. I rolled my eyes, hopping off his desk, grabbing my clothes and starting to put them back on. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving." I sneered as I pulled on my bra. I didn't have to connect the straps since I was wearing a sports bra, luckily, so my angry dressing was going by pretty quickly with no hiccups, thankfully.

"Wait, no." I heard him walking up behind me. "Harmoni, stop." He grabbed my wrist, trying to get me to stop my movements. I snatched my wrist from his grip and glared at him.

"No, stop touching me."

"Harmoni," he pleaded. "I'm just having a bad day and I'm sorry for being an asshole, but I still don't like you working with him."

"Just because you had a bad day doesn't mean you can treat me like shit and lash out on minor things you don't like. And it also doesn't mean you can change stupid shit to things you like. I'm working with him, and that's final." I snapped as I shimmied into the dress. Anders was watching me like a hawk. 

"How would you like it if I were to work with a female coworker, Harmoni?"

"I wouldn't care, Anders, because it's a part of life. Working with people of the opposite sex." I rolled my eyes as I fixed my clothes and hair as I stared in the mirror, trying to make sure I looked presentable. "Since you are acting like a possessive asshole, I won't even ask about why you were having a bad day, knowing it just comes with your stupid ass personality. And I hope your day becomes worse when you know I'm studying with him later." I watched as his face paled at my words, but I didn't care.

"Harmoni, please, wait." He pleaded from behind me as I walked towards the door.

"Call me when you get your shit together," I grumbled before leaving the office, everybody looked at me, confused. I huffed, rushing over to my seat and grabbing my things before rushing out the classroom, trying to ignore the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes.


When I got home, I found my father and Bianca sitting in the living room. Bianca noticed me first, sending me a small wave which I gave back before I walked in the kitchen. "How was your day?" I heard Bianca ask, following me into the kitchen. I shrugged pulling off my jacket and throwing it across one of the chairs neatly.

"It was eventful," I mumbled, thinking about the breakfast I had with Chance and the conversation I had with Anders. I rolled my eyes thinking about the conversation, walking over to the refrigerator and getting bottle water out and looking for something I could snack on quickly. I decided on a yogurt, pulling it out and turning around to face Bianca. "How was yours and dad's?" She smiled at the mention of my father and looked back over to the living room.

"Well, we went to the physical therapist." I stared at her with wide eyes.

"How'd it go?"

"Really well." She admitted I nodded with a huge smile. "They say if your father works hard enough, he can walk soon enough."

"That's really good." Bianca nodded with a huge smile.

"Yeah. But in other news, Anders and his wife are coming over." I froze at her statement. "So I think we all should be presentable. So, maybe cover your hickeys, yeah?" She suggested.

"Huh?" The only thing I heard was Anders and wife. What the fuck is going on?

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