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Our vacation started a week ago, and everything about it was terrific

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Our vacation started a week ago, and everything about it was terrific. I woke up to kisses from Anders every morning and morning sex, and he ran me a bath and filled it with rose petals. It's the best.

He woke me up extra early today, saying that I had to get up early for a part of whatever he had planned for today. Today being the only day since we've been here that he didn't wake me up with sex and I'm not really complaining. I was a little sore from everything that happened yesterday —which included and not limited to; many hours of sex and walking around Disney World— and I'm sure he knew that because he seemed to be extra gentle with me.

We took a bath together. Meanwhile, he made me cum twice and then another as I was trying to get dressed — I spoke too soon about waking me up with sex— Anders then fixed us breakfast, we ate then left for our next destination for the day.

I fell asleep on the ride to wherever we were going and didn't wake up until Anders woke me up, again with kisses. "We're here." He spoke huskily as our lips connected. I kissed him back before pulling away and looking around.

"Where are we and why does it sound like the zoo?" I asked.

"We're at Busch Gardens." He answered making me look back at him. "And if you don't hurry up, we won't be able to start the tour I reserved for us."

"A tour?" He nodded, putting the keys in his pocket.

"Yes, so wipe the drool off your cheek and come on." He said with a wink getting out the car. I pulled down the sun visor and popped the mirror open and stared at my face, trying to look for the drool he said was on my face. When the door opened, I looked over at Anders with a scowl on my face.

"I didn't have drool on my face. Fuck you," I said with a pout. Anders laughed as I got out of the car. "You're so mean."

"No, I'm not." He said with a wink before pulling me to him. "You're going to take that back as soon as you see what we're doing today."

"I highly doubt that." I teased. He rolled his eyes playfully before kissing me gently.

"Come on, prinsessa."


He booked us on a tour that allowed us to travel with the keepers, so we took care of the animals, feeding them and whatnot, and it was the best.

Right now we were feeding the giraffes, and at first, it was a little horrifying. Their tongues were the size of my head, and when they took the food we gave them, they snatched it up quickly with their tongues. It was weird. But I got over my fear, thanks to Anders.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, and supported me, bringing me peace. As I found peace, I found it to be easier to feed the giraffes.

After many hours of going around the park and feeding the animals and everything like that, we finally got to sit down and eat lunch. We chose a restaurant quickly and waited in line, which was sort of long. I leaned on Anders, tired and sighed.

"You sleepy?" He asked, kissing the top of my head. I nodded in which he laughed. "How about this? Go find us a table and I'll get our food."

"You sure?" I asked looking up at him. He nodded before kissing me gently.

"Yeah, burger right?" I nodded before turning and walking towards where the tables were. The restaurant was semi full of families who stared at me like I was crazy, I guess because I was with an older guy, if they could tell Anders was older and that I was younger than him. But it's only a ten-year difference, and it doesn't look like he's almost thirty and I'm barely twenty. I don't know; maybe it's just me.

I found a table near the back, near some of the people who were on tour with us which included an older woman and her husband. They smiled at me as I sat down. I smiled back and got comfortable in the seat, waiting for Anders. I pulled my phone out, texting my father to let him know that I am indeed alive —I haven't talked to him the entire time I've been here, but I know Bianca and Anders have spoken, so my father knows I'm good it's just that he hasn't spoken to me personally.

"Food is here," Anders said as he walked up to the table. I smiled at him as he sat the tray in front of me. I kissed him gently before turning my attention over to my food and biting into it happily. Anders kept the conversation rolling the entire time. I laughed every once in a while and rolled my eyes at how annoying he could be at times. 

"Eat your fruit, sötsaker." Anders instructed when I finished my burger. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, Daddy. Chill." I teased before picking up my fork and piercing it through the strawberry that sat on top of the fruit pile. I could feel Anders gaze on me as I lifted the fork to my mouth. I raised my eyebrow. "What? Do I have mustard or something on my face?" I asked picking up a napkin and wiping my face. Anders laughed, shaking his head. 

"No, nothing like that. I just would like to stare at my fiance att vara." I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"What does that mean?"

"The love of my life," he said with a megawatt smile on his face. "Eat up." I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm convinced you're trying to make me fat." I joked as I put the strawberry in my mouth before looking down at the bowl of fruit again, noticing a gray object in the middle of it. "Ew," I shrieked pushing the bowl away. 

"What's wrong?" Anders asked. 

"There's something in my fruit."

"Did you look at what it was?" he asked. I frowned. 

"Man, I am black. When I see something suspicious, I don't look to see what it is. That's that white people shit," I joked. Anders rolled his eyes and pushed the bowl back over to me. 

"Look at it." I stared at him suspiciously before picking up my fork and pushing the fruit around before staring at the small ring that seemed to shine brightly within the bowl of seasonal fruit. I looked up at Anders, seeing him flash me a smile. 

"Anders?" I asked, confused. He looked down for a second, clearing his throat before looking back at me. 

"I love you," he started as he grasped one of my hands. "So much, almost too much. But in some ways, I feel like it's not enough. I want to give you the world and more. You deserve it all. And if you'd let me, I will give you everything in more. Once you become my wife." I watched as he moved from his seat down onto his left knee. "Harmoni Ramos, will you do me the honor of becoming my lawfully wedded wife?" 

Kind of lied about not updating again for a while. I wanted to do this chapter for a while now. I wrote it and it didn't seem like the right time until now. Are y'all happy now??? 

Next chapter will be posted soon enough and it's the LAST CHAPTER. I REPEAT, IT'S THE LAST CHAPTER AND IT WILL BE THE EPILOGUE and everything that you possibly wanted to know will be explained in it. 

Toodles for now

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