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I woke up to the sounds of people whispering like they were afraid that if they were too loud, they'd wake me up

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I woke up to the sounds of people whispering like they were afraid that if they were too loud, they'd wake me up. Even though they weren't trying, they were a little bit too loud so I'm up now.

I sat up quickly, finding my father and Bianca in the doorway of my room, facing away from me. But I guess they heard my movement because they turned to face me, my father was the first one who turned first. His face was full of concern. He started walking towards me.


"Can I go see Anders?" I asked cutting him off. My father stopped walking for a second before continuing his walk and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, ignoring my question.

"Dad, can I go see my boyfriend?" It's been a couple of days since the incident. I had fainted because I hadn't eaten that day. After a lot of arguing and whatnot, my father kicked Anders out and hasn't batted an eye since. I also have not left the room since then. Bianca has been bringing me food and something to drink, like a great step parent and helping me survive.

My dad had taken my phone like I'm some rebellious teenager who needs to be punished, so I wouldn't be able to talk to Anders through text or calls either. It was frustrating being here and not being able to talk to him. I miss him so much.

"Harmoni," He said back, not wanting to answer my question. I rolled my eyes. "He's never coming around here ever again and you're never going to be around him ever again."

"You can't do that. I'm nineteen! Not four."

"Here you are, still acting like a whore!" He shouted. "I just want the best for you."

"For someone who wants what's best for me, you don't take my happiness into consideration or the fact that I felt sane when I'm with him. He loves me, dad."

"He's using you because he knows your vulnerable."

"What about me is vulnerable? Huh, dad? Is it the fact that I'm younger than him? Hmm? I'm only ten years younger than him, and he treats me way better than what you treat me. And maybe that's the reason why I like him. Because he treats me like a Queen and not just someone he was stuck with."

"Did you forget about the days you'd come home and cry to me because he made you cry? Or did you forget? And wasn't he the reason why you were drowning yourself in alcohol a couple of weeks ago? Huh?"

"No, I didn't forget. I know what we've been through and couples go through a lot. And you of all people should know that. He makes happy. Every time I see him, my heart beats erratically and too fast probably for any heart monitors to rate. He's my zen, my center, my everything." I admitted with tears falling down my face. "And I can't live without him. I can't." My father's face softened as he took in my words as if he was finally realizing what I was feeling.

"Oh, Harmoni,"

"You can't keep him away from me, dad. I'll just figure out ways to get to him. So please. Please, just be happy for me. For us. Let us be together freely. Please, I beg of you." My dad closed his eyes for a second before nodding and standing back up.

"I can't get in the way of love. I know I can't. And I'm sorry for being an asshole. I just wasn't taking the news of my baby girl growing up, well." He whispered. I nodded before standing up, correcting my clothes before hugging my father. "I love you Harmoni. Please forgive me."

"I love you too Daddy." He pulled away, staring into my eyes with a sad smile on his face.

"I don't want to become a grandfather anytime soon, so I hope you are wearing condoms."

"We are," I responded back with an eye roll. My dad kissed my forehead. We all walked downstairs to the kitchen, seeing Anders standing at the stove. He turned to face us, and when his eyes landed on me, he smiled.

"Hi," he said before biting his lip sexually. I wanted to jump his bones right then and there.

"Hi," I breathed out happily. Felicitous to see Anders standing there.

"I let him in. He was sitting outside anyway," Bianca started. I looked over at her. She winked at me before standing with my father. "I think we all got on the wrong foot. And I think we all need to start from the beginning. No more secrets, no more sneaking around, and no more fighting." She said looking at my father just as Anders wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Anders muttered, kissing the top of my head as I looked at my father, waiting for his reaction. He cringed but didn't say anything about the kiss, which was a good thing because I really needed that kiss right now. "Hello, Mr. Ramos. My name is Anders, and I'm in love with your amazing, beautiful daughter."

I watched my father for his reaction again, hoping he keeps his word of keeping the peace between us -- even though he never said he was going to keep the peace just yet. I watched as my father gulped visibly and then smiled forcefully before holding his hand out to Anders. "Thomas, Harmoni's father," he said with a stiff nod. "You better treat her right, Anders. She doesn't need any bad experiences. She's fragile."

"I know," Anders whispered as he connected their hands. "I gave my everything to her, and I'm sure she gave me her everything. I will never hurt her. It pains me to see her down." he said looking down at me. "So since we got everything done, I fixed Harmoni's favorite." he led us to the table. "Food." We all laughed at his joke and then sat around the table. Anders next to me and my father and Bianca sitting across from us.

As the food was being passed around, Anders leaned down to my level, nicking my ear with his teeth before kissing it gently. "Can you cover later? It's kind of important and I also have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" I asked looking up at him.

"Do you not know what surprises are? I can't tell you what it is. You have to wait until I show you it." He winked.

"Is it something scary?" I asked. "I don't like scary stuff." He laughed and shook his head.

"It's a good surprise. I promise you'll like it." He assured me. I nodded before shrugging.

"Ok, when are you showing me it?"

"Can you come over tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded, knowing I had nothing to do anyway. I kissed his chin gently. My father cleared his throat, obviously not all the way ready for our PDA and I respected that. I pulled away, smiling at Anders before waiting for the food to be passed back in my direction.

What do you think the surprise is? And what does Anders need to talk to Harmoni about???

What y'all think?

Also thank you for 6k reads!!! Y'all don't know how excited I was to see this. I appreciate everybody for reading. AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO READ TOO! (If you don't mind)

Also there will DEFINITELY be a sex scene next chapter. I was going to put it in this chapter but the sex scene I was writing didn't seem like enough.

Toodles for now.

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