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I woke up to some loud snoring

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I woke up to some loud snoring. At first I thought it was me for some reason but as I realized, I was now up and could no longer be snoring, I realized, it was Anders. I peered up at him from under my eyelashes and smiled at how cute he looked.

He looked relaxed, at ease. It was like everything we were doing at this current moment was right. Even though we weren't doing anything wrong at all, I couldn't help but feel as though we were sort of sneaking behind our families backs. But we were just sleeping. I don't know.

Maybe it was because as I continued to stare at him, I noticed how beautifully handsome he was. He looked flawless if that was even possible. His dark blonde hair looked like it was perfect for a movie shoot and he looked like he was honestly a model. If his eyes were open right now, it would look even more like a model. I wonder why he didn't pursue a career as a model. He definitely would have made it as one.

"Can you stop staring at me?" he asked making me widen my eyes in shock. I didn't even notice that his eyes were now open or that he had stopped snoring. He smirked at me before yawning and stretching. "I know I'm beautiful, but damn. Let me have my face back," he joked. I pushed his shoulder before sitting up, just as the front door opened and people started walking in. Both of us looked up, seeing Bianca and my father walking in, chatting among themselves before their eyes landed on us.

"Looked like you two had a fun lazy day." Bianca joked. I looked over at Anders for a second before nodding.

"Yes, today was really fun. Thank you, Ands." I said, giving him a nickname, randomly. Anders raised his eyebrow at it but didn't say anything, which I was internally grateful for.

"Anytime Harms." he said with a wink before standing up and starting to clean up the mess we made. I would've gotten up to help but he told me to stay put and keep my leg up. My father helped as well. As I waited, Bianca sat next to me and stared at the screen. It was at the main menu, so it showed what movie we watched.

"Oh my gosh, the Sandlot. I love this movie so much." I nodded as she smiled brightly.

"Anders told me," I admitted. She looked over at me. "I love this movie too."

"What's your favorite part?" she asked.

"I don't know. But I can tell you my favorite character." I said with a smile. She raised an eyebrow as if questioning who without asking me aloud. "Benjamin. I used to have a crush on him. My dad bought me posters of him and everything." I admitted with a giggle.

"Everybody used to love him. I was more of a Kenny DeNunez type of gal." she said with a nod. "I always knew I was down with the swirl." both of us laughed harder.

"I'm sorry for being bitchy to you. I thought I wasn't ready for my father to move on and that was selfish of me." Bianca shook her head.

"Your dad told me that you would be a tough cookie to crumble and I know this is just the start of our journey but I just want you to know that I will never try to take your Dad's attention off of you and I'm not here to replace your mom. I'm just here to give your father the tender love and care that you can't give him." I grimaced, imagining them on the desk again.

"Yup, I need to throw up." I semi-joked and gagged. We laughed again just as the men walked into the living room, staring at both of us weirdly. My father was the first to speak up.

"Did you two make up yet?" he asked with a smile. I looked at Bianca. Both of us nodded before looking back at my father. "Good, my two favorite women finally made up. I was starting to get concerned that I would never be able to have you two in the same room together," he said before pressing a kiss to both of our foreheads. I looked over at Anders seeing he was staring at me already. I smiled at him weakly before leaning my head on my father's shoulder and letting out a sigh of relief.


Before dinner, Anders helped me out to the back porch so we could watch the sunset. I sat on his right with our hands intertwined. Since we were overlooking the beach, I could see people walking around and playing in the water. As I continued to stare ahead, I saw couples showing some public displays of affection. It was honestly cute and I wish I had that.

In my total eighteen years of living, I never had a boyfriend or a love interest. I don't know if it was because I simply didn't like any of the boys in my school or maybe it was because I knew, that I was interested in older guys so I didn't waste my time in searching for love interests in the guys I was surrounded by. 

I put my head on Anders' shoulder and let out a sigh, trying not to overthink things. Because there was nothing for me to be overthinking about. I'm not sure I can love someone and I'm not sure anyone can love me. "What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head. "Harmoni?" 

"Is it bad that I never had a boyfriend?" I blurted out. Anders pulled back so he could look at me.

"You never had a boyfriend?" I sighed before shrugging.

"I mean, I have but we didn't work out so we became best friends." I mumbled, mentioning Chance. He raised his eyebrow. 

"That boy that usually walked you from my class?" he asked. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. He knew that Chance used to walk me from his class? We usually meet down the hall from his class or outside the building, as he yelled at us talking about showing PDA outside his classroom (a small hug).

"It's hard to believe that you dated him." He mumbled.

"Why is that?" I questioned. He stared at me for while, his eyes wandering around my face before he reached out and brushed hair out of my face.

"He doesn't seem like he was worth your time romantically anyway." I raised my eyebrow. "You need a man, Harmoni." He reiterated. "Not a boy who just plays girls like video games."

"And would you know someone worthy of my time romantically?" I asked. He chuckled deeply.

"Honestly?" He asked. I nodded. "Me." He responded shocking me as he pulled me into him and capturing my mouth into a heated kiss.

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