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Anders and I were laying on his couch, watching a movie when I heard my phone go off

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Anders and I were laying on his couch, watching a movie when I heard my phone go off. It was closer to Anders, so he reached over to pick it up and held it out to me. I took it, thanking him and glanced at the caller ID before sighing, silencing it and then placing it on the table.

"You screening Chance's calls?" Anders asked making me look up to him. "What? Does he not know we're back together?" I twisted my lips and shook my head. I've been screening Chance's calls since the day he told me he loved me.

I hoped he was playing. I really did. But when he leaned in to kiss me, something he never tried before, not even when we dated for that short week, I freaked out, stumbled out of the car and ran into the building, then called Anders in hopes that he could pick me up. He did and being the best boyfriend he is, bought me my favorite ice cream and then fucked me into wee hours of the night, getting my mind off of what had happened.

That was until I woke up to multiple texts from Chance. I ignored each and every text, not wanting to open any of them and acted like everything was normal. Now a week later, I have 27 missed calls and 50 unanswered texts from Chance alone on my phone. And I know Anders noticed it but didn't mention it until now.

"Not that it's any of his business, no," I grumbled out, trying to get him to pay attention to the movie we were watching. But I guess that was too much to ask. Anders chuckled lightly.

"Did y'all have a fight or something?" He asked. I sighed, grabbing the remote and pausing the movie, sitting up so we could look at each other appropriately. "Judging by the look you're sporting, it isn't good." he murmured.

"Please don't take this out of proportion."

"Now that you said that, I'm sure whatever happened, needs to be blown out of proportion." I groaned.

"Never mind."

"Harmoni," he warned. I rolled my eyes, pressing play on the movie just for him to grab the remote from me and pause the movie again. "Tell me what happened,"


"What did he touch you? Kiss you? Did he force himself on you? Tell me what happened."

"It's nothing. Just a fight between two friends." I tried to reason, knowing that's not all that what happened and also knowing, we might not even be friends anymore. I mean, he doesn't want to be friends and I don't want to be anything but friends and if we don't compromise, doesn't that mean we can't be friends? I mean, that's what I'm getting from it, I don't know about everybody else.

"Bullshit, Harmoni," Anders said, obviously not believing me. I'm not the best liar, remember?

"Shit bull, Anders." he frowned.

"What?" I shrugged. hoping he'd just forget about it. "Tell me what happened. I won't blow it out of proportion," he said as if it was straining him to say that. I raised my eyebrow and then held out my pinky.

"Promise?" he groaned, running his hand over his face.

"You can't ask me to promise something and I'm scared of what happened. If he hurt you, I will kill him. No doubt about it, Harmoni." He put our pinkies together before shaking our hands. "Now what happened?" I pursed my lips together and then shook my head.

"It's just a little stupid thing," I said with shrug.

"What is it, Harmoni?" I groaned, hating myself for getting myself into this situation. I had to just be so fucking loveable and beautiful, didn't I? Thanks, mom and dad.

And I could have also just kept my mouth closed and acted like nothing happened between us.

I stretched for a second before nodding. "Chance, may or may not be in love with me and then he tried to kiss me." I watched as Anders face changed to anger. "He didn't know we were back together. He still doesn't know we're back together. I guess, he took that chance to actually sit down and think about his feelings or something and he told me he liked me. I don't know what he was thinking. Ever since he told me, I was in shock and I ran away." I quickly added, so he wouldn't do anything detrimental like find out where Chance is and then beat his ass.

"That's why you called me from Baskin Robbins," he muttered. I nodded. "Wow, I wasn't expecting that." I nodded again.

"Me either." Anders turned to me and smiled before rubbing my cheek gently. "Jag skyller emellertid inte på honom. Du är bara så jätte älskling." he muttered in Swedish. I tilted my head to the side.

"Why do you just switch over to Swedish like that so fast? And what did you say?" I asked.

"I love you," he stated before kissing my lips gently. "You need to talk to him."

"What? No,"

"Yes. I know how it is to desire someone for so long and see them right at the tip of my fingertips and then say something and they ignore me."

"Are you talking about me?" I asked. He laughed and shrugged.

"Yeah, you sure know how to break a fair share of hearts," he said with a deeper laugh. "But yeah. You and my ex-wife." I nodded.

"You never talk about her."

"You want me to talk about her?" he asked confused. I shrugged.

"I mean, I would like to know why you two broke up," I said honestly. He sighed before nodding. "Did you cheat on her?"

"No," he said quickly. "And just so you know, I would never cheat on you either. Even though we weren't meant for each other, I would never cheat," he muttered. I nodded slowly before staring into his blue eyes.

"She actually cheated on me. And I wasn't mad about it. I knew she and Olivia were close. I didn't know they were that close. And like I said before, we weren't meant to be." I raised my eyebrow.

"She's Olivia's ex too?" he nodded, kissing my forehead. "So what did she do that made you mad that day?" I asked. He let out a sigh.

"Well, for starters, she wants to up her alimony because apparently, the cost of her living changed. Whereas, I have been living in the same house, with a dog who had only gotten bigger since we had gotten a divorce and my cost of living has not changed. She just wants to move to fucking Timbucktwo and it's more expensive."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I muttered. He nodded.

"And then she had the nerve to ask to get back together with me. But I am happy with the love of my life and I don't go backward. So you never have to worry about me thinking about leaving you for her. What I do need you to worry about is keeping your friends though." I rolled my eyes, hating how he can just change the subject around to the original topic. I was hoping, with his slightly older brain, he'd forget. But I kept forgetting that this man was my Psychology professor. He knew what I was doing all along.


"If it makes you feel any better, I'll come with you to meet him. You can tell him we're back together and everything." I thought about it for a second before nodding.

"Ok." he smiled before pressing a kiss to my forehead and then reaching past me to grab my phone.

"Call him and tell him you want to meet up. But not today."

"Why not today? Get this done and over with."

"Because I want to spend one day with my girlfriend without any more further interruptions." he kissed me gently before nodding at the phone. "Hurry up and call him."

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