The Ark of Taujeer

Start from the beginning

The nightmares didn't come back.

I slept for about three more hours before waking up, feeling refreshed and powerful.

I looked around to see that only Luna was in the room with me. I smiled and pet her head, waking her up as she licked my hand with her scratchy tongue.

"Shall we go find the others?" I asked, she silently roared in response.

I got up, washed my face and brushed my hair before walking with Luna to the command deck.

I smiled, deciding to play a trick on everyone. I turned invisible and snuck in through the door.

Everyone was surrounding Allura, I stood next to Keith.

"There's no point in debating this further," Allura said, "Zarkon is clearly tracking us through me."

I couldn't believe her accusation. It couldn't be her that was leading Zarkon to us.

Everyone shared in my negative opinion, saying that it wasn't possible.

"Why is that so hard to believe? Zarkon's forces showed up on Arus only after I awoke."

"She's got a point," Lance reasoned, before pulling out a cheeky smile and bowijg towards Allura, "I would absolutely travel across the galaxy to find you."

Allura looked uncomfortable, so I snuck over to Lance and hit him on the head.

"All right, who did that?" Lance asked angrily as he held his head and looked for the culprit.

Too bad for him, the culprit is invisible.

"It's not you princess Allura," Keith said fron his linely corner of the room, "It's me."

And I thought Allura was ridiculous about this tracking hypothesis. Keith, what's going ok through your head?

"Because....." Hunk trailed off.

"I mean, like.... Zarkon must've imprinted on me during our fight or something."

"We'll the fact is, we don't know how Zarkon is tracking us." Pidge said, "It could be through ths Black lion."

"Of all the hypotheses I've heard, Pidge is the only one most accurate." I said, revealing myself to everyone in the room.

"Zurine!" Everyone shouted.

"When did you get in here?" Coran asked.

"Just before Allura accused herself of being the one Zarkon is tracking, but that's beside the point. If Allura and Keith's thoughts were correct, Zarkon could be tracking us through me as well."

"How can that happen?" Keith asked.

"I was fading in and out of consciousness when I was brought to Zarkon. He could've done anything to me, including giving him a way to track us. And think, every time Zarkon comes near the Black Lion, Shiro has to fight for control."

"But that's only when Zarkon is nearby," Coran pointed out, "No palidan has ever been able to connect to a lion over such a vast distance."

"So what're we gonna do?" Hunk asked.

"Look it doesn't matter how he's tracking us, 'cause we're gonna take the fight to the Galra soon enough." Shiro said, "They've been chasing us from galaxy to galaxy, the last thong they'd expect is for us to come after them."

Lance picked up a smirk, "The hunter becomes the hunted, hmm? Awesome, that's a tag line from like, six of my favorite movies."

Pidge tapped my shoulder and pulled me over to her seat. I watched as she pulled up data from all the recent Galra attacks we've recorded.

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