Rule 33: Don't Let Him Sweep You Off Your Feet

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"My birth father is the worst birthday present ever."

Kyle's head turned towards the door. "Hey." He greeted. His eyes looked up. "I like the hair." He changed the subject. Good boy.

"It was a trim."

"You still look good."

"Flattering me does not get you anywhere." I said as I sat next to him on the bed. However, it was working. 

"But it makes you feel special, my birthday girl."

I felt my cheeks blush but I still rolled my eyes. "Just kiss me already you fool."

He didn't waste anytime pulled me into his arms. He lightly tugged on my curls as his lips met mine. I sat down on his lap to straddle him.

"You taste like strawberries." I mumbled in between kisses.

"I like your chapstick."

I giggled as we fell down on to the bed. Every article of clothing we lost made me think less and less about the thoughts haunting me. 

I was officially done with one part of my life and I was about to start another. I was parentless essentially but Maddy and Tommy have always been parents to me. It didn't bother me as much but I wanted so much more for my siblings.

I wish I could rewind a year or two. Maybe if we would have gotten mom help sooner, all of this wouldn't have happened. I sighed. 

His fingers rested on my cheeks. "You haven't been sleeping well."

I rolled into him. It could be a hundred degrees in this room and I would not leave this place next him. He was my natural heater and even in May, it was welcome.

"Lot to think about."

"Shower?" He asked, his eyes hopeful.

I laughed, "Okay." And like that, our naked selves ran towards the bathroom I shared with Nicole and Beth. I locked my door and Kyle locked the other. 

There was no other way I wanted to spend my Thursday night rather than here.



"I'm coming!" I yelled as I put my other earring in. I grabbed my cap and gown off my bed and slid my feet into my wedges before running into the hallway.

"You're going to make us late."

I eye-rolled. "They can't start without us."

Maddy was waiting next to him, "You look cute kiddo."

"Thanks Mads." She ushered us out of the house as we jumped into his car with Beth and Cam behind us. Tommy was driving the others in their SUV.

"Are you ready to graduate?" Beth asked.

"I'm so ready to be done." I responded.

"I second that."

"Liar, you loved high school."

Kyle laughed, "Okay maybe that's true."

We laughed and chatted the whole thirty minute drive to the convention center where graduation was. Blue caps and gowns were everywhere when Kyle pulled into the lot. "I think the blue caps and gowns are kind of lame." Cam said as Kyle turned off the car."

"What color would you want them to be?"

"I don't know. Maybe like a teal or a bright red."

Beth gave him a look, "Not many chicks look good in red."

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