Rule 4: Don't Let Him Be Right

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"Caseeyyy." I shot Kyle a glare. I'll have third block with him all year thanks to Government. And it's only been ten minutes and I want to kill him.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"What are you getting me for Christmas?"

"You're seriously asking that right now?"

"Yeah I wanna know."

"I'm getting you nothing."

He scoffed, "That's rude."

Mr. Fare handed me a textbook, "I'm expecting great things from you this year Ms. Smith-Stone."

I smiled, "Me too."

"You're a kiss ass." Kyle whispered from behind me.

"And you're not?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and leaned back.

After finishing the pretest I pulled out a book to read, I've always been interested in the political system and how we've changed since the 1770s. Plus it's good know information about the Senate, House of Reps, and the good old presidents.

I have a thing for dead white guys who lived in the white house.

"Casey." He whispered.


"Can you raise your hand and tell him that it's less than a minute till lunch."

I turned so I could look at him, "No. Unlike you, I had breakfast."

He scoffed.

"Thank you Mr. Jones." Mr. Fare said. We both looked up.

"What?" He asked.

"It's time for lunch." He looked at me and winked. I started to laugh.

"What?" Kyle asked dumbfounded.

"Come on." I said grabbing his arm. "I think you get stupider every time you get hungry, maybe my GPA will beat yours this year."

"Keep dreaming Cay." I let go of his arm.

"Okay, get me an apple and gatorade."

"Psh. I'm not getting you anything." I gave him my puppy dog eyes.

"Hello no." He said again.

"Use my id and buy both." He gave me a look. I approached him to where we were less than a foot apart.


He rolled his eyes, "Fine."

"Thanks Kylie Wiley." I gave him a pat on the cheek with my hand. I headed toward our usual lunch table. Lydia and Keith were already sitting down.

"Hello lovelies."

"Why don't we have any classes together?" Lydia asked as we sat down.

"Don't we have next block together?" I asked, remembering our texting convo.

"Oh, thank god."

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