Rule 6: Don't Let Her Slip Away

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I hated the way she looked at him. Her green eyes lit up and she had a giant smile across her face. Even during our duet, she never looked at me that way.

She should be smiling at me. I'm her best friend, but I've been friend zoned, figures.

She doesn't know.

I don't think she feels the same way. Her beautiful voice makes all of us swoon, it's made me swoon for years now. If only she knew. Which is why I hate how she's looking at him. She likes him, its' obvious.

She's mine. And everyone knows that, except this new kid who's on my nerves. She's always been mine. Everytime our hands touch. Everytime her body is curled up against mine.

It's senior year. Took you ten years.

I'll tell her.


Lots of claps brought me out of my thoughts and she gave me a side hug, making me slightly tense against her cold frame.

"Welcome to the club, I hope you can catch up fast because we usually don't do this." Ben said shaking his hand.

Casey sighed, "Hmm."

"What?" I asked her.

She smiled, "I don't know."

I frowned. I'll have to teach this guy a lesson. Casey has always been off limits.

She nudged me, "What's wrong?" She put her arm back around my waist and slightly squeezed, her red hair was against my shoulder.

Her touch always brings me out of my thoughts, her cold fingertips dug into my back.

I half smiled, "Nothing." I grabbed her hand and spun her in a circle, "Let the dancing begin."

She laughed and that made me feel about ten times better.

I hate that she'll never know that I'm in love with her.


"I hate wet hair." She complained getting out of the shower. She had on a tshirt and shorts but her red hair was up in a bun. She was over at my house on Friday night. It was our usual shenanigans night.

She climbed on to the couch next to me, "So your not going to tell me what's wrong?" She asked.


She came closer. I could smell her vanilla lotion.

"Please." She stuck her lip out.

"Promise you won't get mad."

She held her pinky out.


I locked pinkys with her and pulled her closer as I moved my arm around her neck and she leaned against it. I don't know how she doesn't know. I thought our duet in choir would give her a hint.

She's perfect.

"I don't trust the new guy. I don't like the way he looks at you. I don't want you to get stalked or hit on and then get hurt."

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