Rule 19: Don't Let Him Worry About You

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"I can't believe you got the solo award." Aunt Mads gushed. I was in shock too but Mads kept bringing it up. I was excited and all but we only got second. Lost first by a few points.

"I know. Thank you." I smiled before shaking my head. I was honored but I didn't feel like it was my best work.

"Separate cars?" Beth asked, changing the subject. I was grateful to her for things like this. Once again my transparent walls come in handy.

"Yes." Kyle and I said in unison. He raised an eyebrow at me making me laugh. "Okay Beth, let's go."

"Why are you guys leaving now? It's only 7:20."

"We have to swing by the house."

"What for?"

"My winter coat I got last year and my boots."

"It hasn't snowed yet." Maddy pointed out as she closed the paper.

"But we're getting ten inches this week." I shot my eyes to Kyle to stop him from making some crude joke. Especially not in front of Maddy.

"I can't believe Christmas is next week." Beth commented as she looked at the clock.

"We need to shop." I said.

"You need to get me a good gift." Kyle had a bagel in his mouth.

"If you're lucky." I winked and picked up my backpack. "Let's go B."

"I'm the one waiting on you." She teased as I closed the front door behind us. I climbed in and started up the Jeep as Beth buckled in. I plugged my phone in so that we wouldn't have to listen to morning talk shows.

"Do you ever miss our house?"

"I mean yeah but it never really felt like home to me. I was either at school or Kyle's anyway."

"That's true. I guess I miss my own room."

"I know B, one day again you will, I promise."

She smiled before she turned and leaned her head against the window.

When I pulled up to the house ten minutes later I never stopped the car. Christopher's SUV was in the driveway. "Oh my god." Beth said.

I immediately turned the car around. "Casey-." I turned to see Beth staring out the back window.

Christopher. I'd recognize that face anywhere.

I slammed my foot on the gas and headed back the way we came. I swear, we cannot catch a break. I figured he was smart enough to know that we were at Aunt Maddy's house but he was probably drunk every time we went over there so he has no idea where she actually lives.

Which works in our favor. But they did have a security system and a nice large gate. So I've never felt safer.

His slim figure got into his car and began to follow us. Getting too close for my comfort.

"What are we going to do?"

"Nothing, Beth. We're driving to school."

"But you're going 45 in a 35."

"Eyes on the road Bethany. And for the love of god don't drive like me."

I zoomed around a couple cars so that we now had a car in between us and I zoomed through the yellow light on third so that he couldn't continue to follow us. I took a couple more random turns before I made my way to school. After all we had time to burn, We'd have to go pick up our jackets later.

My heart stopped pounding when I parked in the student lot. "Casey-."

"You will tell no one, am I clear?"

"But Casey-."

"No. I will take care of this, do you understand?"

She nodded, "Whatever." She grabbed her bag and climbed out of the car. I called for her but she never looked back. My head hit the headrest as I sighed.

What was I going to do?


"What is it?" Jen asked.

I looked down at the half eaten chicken sandwich on my lunch tray. "Nothing, just over thinking."

"You do that too much man." Keith commented.

I gave him a look while Lydia nudged his arm. "I think I'm just tired."

"Of too much sex?" Jared asked.

I groaned. "Jared-"

"I got this one bestie."

"Jared shut the hell up or I will cut you." Jen snapped.

"Control her Derek."

Derek just laughed as Jen pointed her finger at Jared. I looked down at my watch and wondered where Kyle was. Lunch was his favorite time because he could eat anything he wanted because he would burn it off at basketball practice after school, except today was game day so he would eat more than usual. His usual lately has been like three cookies but he hasn't puked yet.

Maybe I needed to focus on other things besides him for once. What was I going to do about Christopher? I could go to Uncle Tommy and Mads but they've already done so much for me and I'm sick of asking for help.

I could tell Kyle but he's never liked Christopher and I don't need Kyle going to jail or injuring himself. This was senior year basketball and show choir. Nothing would mess that up.

Beth knew stuff and so did Cameron but they knew too much on accident. So much for the protective big sister.

I took a deep breathe and that's when I smelled Kyle's cologne. My head shot up from my hands and I saw him sitting next to me. "Hey beautiful." He greeted.

"How long have you been sitting there?"

"Four minutes and eighteen seconds." Jen answered.

"You okay?" He asked, in a quieter tone.

"For now I am."

"What do you mean?"

I shrugged and kissed his cheek, "We'll talk later."

He nodded before taking a bite of his Ham and Swiss sub. I needed to take some acting classes. That was a no brainer. He reached for my hand beneath the table and I happily took it. It would calm me down but I knew I'd get stuck in my mental world again.

"Stop thinking."

I looked over at him. His half smile wasn't enough this time.

I needed a plan. And fast.



"You done?"

I nodded and Kyle motioned for me to stand up. He grabbed both our trays and I followed him until we were alone in the hallway after dumping the trash.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I promise."

He pulled me into his arms and left them around my waist. "Can I get you anything?"

I smiled. "How about a win tonight at the game?"

"Oh, I can give you that no problem."

"That would make my day."

"Anything for you." He leaned down and gently kissed my lips.

"I'll see you after school?"

"You better." I teased making him smirk at me.

"There she is."

"She's been here."

"I know. Hey, just text me if you need anything."

"I will."

I watched him walk away and I knew what I had to do. I had to go see her. I was going to go see my mother and this time I wasn't going down without a fight. And besides she won the last one with the kryptonite. I need to know so much.

Mother: Samantha Stone versus Daughter: Casey Smith-Stone

It was time to even the score.

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