Rule 18: Don't Let Her Look in the Mirror

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My girl was leaning against the wall when I finished in the locker room. She was conversing with Jen and I put my finger over my lips and she blinked at me before returning her gaze to Casey.

I walk up behind them and wrapped my arms around her, making her jump for a split second before melting in my arms. "Hey."

"Hi to yourself, that was a great game." I wanted to eyeroll, there was so much wrong with that game. I don't know how we won it but tomorrow would be an intense practice.

Keith and Derik walked over to us a moment later, "Steak n' Shake?"

"Of course."

They all had their own cars but Casey came with me and I was parked in the normal student lot so we had to walk a little farther but I didn't mind. I had her cold hand in mine and she was rambling. But she was smiling so that's all that mattered to me.

When we got to my car she stopped us. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She spun to face me, "Nothing."

I opened my mouth to speak but then she pulled me into a hug and she buried her face into my chest and I couldn't help but smile. I kissed her temple but then had a realization.

"Did you think about it?"

"Every time you step on to that court." I think that when I broke a few fingers and bruised a few ribs it was almost more painful for her than me.

"Hey, but I'm fine."

"I know you're fine." I laughed and she looked up.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes we have to go, I'm starving."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" She blinked for a moment, the words clicking in her mind.


"Oh?" I asked.

"I thought you already knew." She reached up around my neck and stepped on my toes to kiss me. Her lips were salty and she tasted like popcorn.

"So yeah?" I asked pulling back.

She bit her lip, "I guess."

"I guess?" I asked, humor in my tone.

"Hey," She said, locking her eyes on mine. "I love you."

"You may have said it first but I've loved you longer."


I knocked on her door, "You ready?" I heard her mumble and groan so I let myself in. She was in the process of putting her red hair up in a bun.

Our first competition was today and we had to be at the school by 5:30 am. "We gotta go," I said.

Casey pulled the hairbrush out of her mouth, "No shit." She tossed it into her duffle and pulled her hoodie on. I grabbed her hand to dragged her to the car.

"Can we be bus mates?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't we be?"

"Touche, I'm just tired and you make a good pillow."

"I do?"

"Well kind of, I love your cologne." I rolled my eyes but I knew she loved it. She sleeps in my bed all the time and steals my pillows frequently.

Not that I'm complaining at all.

I followed her up on to the bus and she plopped down in the window seat knowing that I'd want the aisle for my legs, we were only headed an hour north but still.

I loved leg room just as much as I loved Casey. My head turned to say something to her but she was already asleep on my shoulder bringing a smile to my face. This hour would go by too fast.

Derik and Jen sat in the seats across the row and Jen waved. She had a giant grin on her face and I wasn't sure if it was Casey who was practically laying in my lap or if it was Derik.

Either way, I was happy for her, now that she's occupied she'll want to hang with Casey less, leaving her to me more often.

Halfway there, her phone vibrated in her hoodie pocket. I slowly reached around her and pulled her phone out of her pocket.

Christopher. Lit up on her phone. That pissed me off.

I swear, her parents are the worst. I've never liked Christopher and I only put up with her mom Sam because well she's her mother.

Not trying to jinx my luck but also my possible mother in law one day.

Casey had told me that she had blocked his number but I guess she even has secrets. I waited a couple seconds before I listened to the voicemail he left.

"Once again brat, I'm looking for my children, you may be able to dodge my calls, but you can't dodge me forever."

I shivered in my seat. I deleted the recording before sliding her phone back in her pocket. I hated asking for help but Maddy was just the person to go too.

To Motha Mads: "Christopher keeps calling Casey's cell. She told me that she blocked his number a week or two ago but he keeps calling her and leaving these creepy voicemails."

My phone buzzed a couple minutes later, I didn't expect her to be up yet but she is Mads and it is a Saturday. She was probably already in her studio.

From Motha Mads: "Are you kidding me?"

To Motha Mads: "I wish I was, her phone just rang while she was sleeping."

From Motha Mads: "Kyle, do not go through her phone, that's not okay. Let me talk to your brother and we will see what we can do."

To Motha Mads: "I was only worried."

From Motha Mads: "I know dear, we all are. Let me know when you get there so I can set up the live stream."

To Motha Mads: "Yes ma'am."

Casey stirred next to me and pulled my right earbud out, sticking it in her ear. "I should have figured you were listening to my Spotify playlist."

I gave her a look, "Believe it or not, I have my own."

She laughed, "It's okay, you don't need to act all tough. I know you love my soppy romance playlist."


We were on in less than ten minutes and I couldn't find Casey anywhere. Not even Jen knew where she was and that was a first.

I was speed walking to the stage when I saw her curly red hairdo. She was looking at herself in the mirror. She stood sideways and put her hand on her stomach before moving her hands to her arms.

Her eyes roamed her body in the mirror and I could see it in her eyes that she was having a mental battle with herself.

I just wish she knew that she was beautiful.

"Casey," I said, walking towards her.


"We're up."

She nodded and tried to walk past me but I grabbed her arm. "Kyle, we're going to be late-"

"Casey," I whispered.

She made eye contact with me for a brief second before she looked back down. "You're beautiful."

I lifted her chin, "And you're going to kill your solo."


I smiled at her, "I love you."

Her face lit up enough to satisfy me, "I love you too." I grabbed her hand in mine.

"Let's go steal the show."

We were given looks from our director but made it on stage just in time. Casey was facing me and then the music hit as the lights flashed on us. It was our show.

Her moment.

And let me tell you, she nailed her solo and the high note.

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