Rule 2: Don't Cry In Front Of Him

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I've always loved houses with tall glass windows, elegance and natural light, man what a beauty. That's the only reason I like going to "Auntie" Maddy's house. And not because of Kyle, who pisses me off.

My younger cousin Nicole let me in. "How's it going?"

"Good, but I don't want to start 8th grade. I'm kinda nervous."

I put my hands on her shoulders, "Hun, you got Smith blood in you, you'll be amazing."

"Thanks Casey." I ruffled her hair and headed up to see Maddy. Granted I'm slightly procrastinating, but I wanted her advice on where to go to college. I guess, I just don't want to apply to the wrong schools.

She was already in her painting clothes, the only time she doesn't look fabulous with her jewelry, and the only time I ever see her in a t-shirt and sweats. "Morning Mads." My mom said that she used to wear sweats and overalls all the time and now I rarely see her without her pearls.

"Hello Casey my dear! How are you?"

"I'm doing good." She had some white paint on her arm and a little on her face. I wonder how long she's been up.

"Im so glad you want to be a teacher. With all these cousins, you kind of get it first hand."

"Deffinetly. Especially at Christmas when everyone is at gran's."

"Do you have a specific grade you would like to teach?"

"I think Elementary."

"I could see that. You have a calm personality, you always have, the opposite of you mom, that's for sure." She laughed.

After telling me about her journey through Northern Iowa, I think that's going to be my number one choice for an in state school. But then again it all depends on how I do on my ACT in a couple weeks..

"I'm glad your thinking ahead. Everytime I ask Kyle he just says Iowa and then walks away."

"Thanks Aunt Mads."

"Anytime. I won't lie, I can't believe your both seniors. It breaks my heart. I remember when you were born." Aunt Maddy looked down, I knew she was thinking of her sister Kasey, the one I'm named after.

"High school." She smiled.

"High school." She repeated. After thanking her again I headed out of her paint room and toward Kyle's room. He's my best friend, but he annoys me all the time.

So I headed to the bathroom and filled up one of their smaller buckets under the sink. It's time for payback. I slowly opened his door to see him passed out on his bed. He looks cute.


No. I tip toed to his bed and dumped the water on his head. "Holy Mother fucking." His eyes opened and he shot up to see me laughing.

"Oh my god. Casey." He laid backdown.

"That was hilarious." I said clutching my stomach. I didn't see him reach out and he pulled me into his wet sheets.

"Nooo." I screeched. "I already showered today." I turned to face him, he was the one smirking now.

"What are you doing here at ten am on a Sunday?"

"Talking to your mom."

"What about?" I love how he accepted Maddy as his mom even though he's adopted by them, and doesn't hold it over her and Uncle Tommy.

"College." His smirk turned into a frown.


"Yeah. I hate how it's senior year." I looked back up at the ceiling, "I don't want to loose my friends and high school has been the best years of my life."

The Rules of Falling In Love {Complete}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz