Rule 8: Don't Let Him Look At You

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I ignored Kyle in class and at lunch for the past two days. It was worse because we had practice today after school. I just wanted to go home. Mom was here for another two days before she left for Des Moines.

I walked in and immediately walked over to Jen and Lydia. "Hey girl." Lydia greeted.

"What's up?" I asked my gals.

"Nothing new but honestly my legs are still sore from Wednesday's practice." Jen put her hands on her knees.

I watched as Derik walked in and we made eye contact, "Hey I'll be right back."

"No rush." I heard Jen say as I walked over to him.

"Derik." I said. "I'm so sorry-"

He cut me off, "Casey, it's not a big deal."

I grabbed his forearm, making him look me in the eyes. "Derik, I cannot apologize enough."

"I didn't know he loved you."

"It's one sided." He looked down.

"Casey,  I see it too." I opened my mouth to respond but closed it.

 I didn't know what to say.

"Can we still be friends?" I asked.

He smiled, "Of course."

I pulled him into a hug, catching him by surprise. "Can I tell you a secret?" I asked.

"Sure." He said back.

"Jen thinks you're cute."


"Yeah." We pulled back and he had a smiled on his face.

"Thank you." I finished.

"Don't worry about it Case." I headed back to Jen and Lydia, Kyle was now standing with them.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Lydia asked.

"It all worked out." I responded.

The whistle was blown and we all took our spots on the floor. I felt Kyle against my back. His cologne was over taking my senses and I knew that we were fine. "Ky." I whispered.

He moved so that his forehead was against the right side of my head. The slow song had us touching the most. He kissed me above my cartilage piercing and I figured we were on the same terms again.

The music started and we danced better than before. I guess there was a reason that we were in front even though we were some of the tallest.

At the end of rehearsal we had yet to say a word to one another. By he was leaning against my car when I came out.

Lydia gave me a wave as she headed towards her car and I headed to mine. His hair was sweaty and completely a mess on his head. He had on one of his lazy smiles.

I dropped my duffle bag and his arms were ready. I rested my head against his chest and listened as his heart beated.

I could believe Derik said that I was in love with him. How did he know? Because I don't.

"Ky." I mumbled.

"Hmm?" I heard him quietly.

"Will you do something for me?" I asked.


"Will you be honest with me from now on?"

"Yes." I felt his hand rubbing circles on my lower back and I didn't want to move.

"I haven't been able to sleep lately." I admitted as I yawned.

"What do you want to do?" I looked up at him and met his eyes.

"I miss your bed."

A smile appeared on his face. "Okay." He whispered. He followed me to my house where I took a quick shower and grabbed my usual bag that I took when I went to his house.

I climbed in shotgun as he pulled off his shades. "Mom said they already ate so were on our own."

"Steak n shake drive through?" I asked.

"The usual." He joked.

I nodded with a smile on my face, "The usual."

The next song that came on the radio was Lucky by Jason Mraz and I felt like I needed to jump out of the car. Kyle and I looked at each other for a majority of the song. His eyes switched between the road and me for the whole song.

It's almost as if our eyes spoke for us. I could almost see his admiration in my eyes. I didn't know what he saw in me, I didn't see it myself.

He moved his hand off the gear shift and moved them to my knee closest to him. I felt myself fall asleep as he traced circles. We would be okay no matter the outcome. 

I felt myself awaken when Kyle pulled open my door, I had my head leaned against it. "Sorry Case."

I let myself blink a few times before undoing my seatbelt. "You fell asleep so I drove us home instead."

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked.

He smiled, "I'll be okay." He held his hand out and I took it, getting out of his car.

He didn't let my hand go. The fam was in the living room and Kyle hollered a hello as we headed upstairs. Not mentioning my name or that I was here. Sneaky boy.

They wouldn't care but after my Uncle Tommy's confession I haven't been around much, we've been hanging at my place. He locked his door behind him, "Go ahead and use it first."

I walked over to his bathroom and brushed my teeth before trading out my clothes for my tank top and spandex. My make up came off easy but I stared at my bags for a solid thirty seconds or so. Hopefully they would be gone by the morning. 

I bunned up my thick red hair and wondered towards his bed. The minute my back hit the bed I knew I would sleep good. My body sank right in. 

His cologne is my favorite thing in the world and not to mention his memory foam bed is a lot better than mine.  I felt him slide in next to me and he pulled me towards him, sticking his arm around my waist.

"I'm still mad at you, you know." My voice was quiet, and I tried to hide my happiness.

I looked up at the smiling boy. "I know." He whispered. I rolled over and my back was against his chest. Maybe I have been missing all the signs. But we've been spooning since forever it feels like. He's only a few months older than I am. There are pictures of us together when I'm a few days old. 

We've been sleeping together since we were kids, how was I supposed to think of any different. Maybe I did want more. Multiple sources have told me that he does. Maybe it's on me for avoiding it.

I don't want to ruin our friendship either. I glanced at Kyle. His snoozing frame was keeping my cold body warm. In this moment I was happy. That's as far as I will go because just to get one thing clear, I love him but the line between friend and wanna be boyfriend were becoming smudged and blurred together. 

We will see how it progresses.

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