Chapter 23. A New Adventure.

Start from the beginning

''What is this?'' I asked Roman looking at him in confusion, what on earth was I supposed to be seeing here? How was this even a surprise?

''This is our new home... I've been planning on it for awhile actually before I met you. It was just going to be my new home but when I first laid my eyes on you I knew that I wanted to share this dream house with you... It's recently just started to get built.'' He explained now everything seemed to be a lot more clearer, he was building us a house. My eyes widened up in surprise, I can't believe that he would do something like this for me.

''Roman, this is the best thing that anyone has ever done for me, I just want you to know that I will be willing to help whenever you need help. I can't wait to see the progress and see it when it's all done.'' I walked a little bit closer I could just picture the house in front of us and in my mind it looked absolutely perfect.

''Nope, it's all a surprise so you won't be allowed to see it until it's all complete but you can choose the furniture and of course the colours for the walls. This isn't just my house now, it's our house and you deserve to be involved in it. I feel a lot better knowing that you now know what I've been planning.'' He did look a little bit relieved like a huge weight has left his shoulders, he was looking at the planks of wood with a proud smile on his face.

''Speaking of surprises I have something that I need to talk to you about.'' I told him not tearing my eyes away of where I was looking. 

The nerves were starting to come back inside of me, my hands were shaking but I tried my best to ignore them. I had to do this, I had to tell him and I had to tell him right now, I thought of the first time we first met, all it took was just one look. Maybe he will get mad but if he does then I know that he will eventually calm down. I'm thinking about our future there is going to be a time when we are married and we have kids, I can't be a wrestler forever. So becoming a manager is the best thing at the moment just until we take that next step, Roman might even be happy with my choice.

''What's wrong?'' I heard him ask me, concern written all over his face I shouldn't keep him waiting any longer. I smiled at him brightly and then I began to explain my plan.

''I've been thinking about doing this for awhile I've just been scared about telling you because I don't want you to get mad... I've decided to hang up the wrestling boots, this wasn't really my choice in life and I'm happy with the things that I have already accomplished but I don't want to wrestle forever. I still want to travel the world but I want to travel with you, Roman I can't stand the thought of not being with you. So, how would you feel if you had a manager? A manager that knows you so well, a manager that will always support you and a manager who can help you?'' I kept on asking him hoping that he would get the message, I did mention that I wanted to travel with him so he should be able to guess that I wanted to be his manager.

''Absolutely not... Sometimes my matches can get a bit violent and I don't want to be worrying about you all of the time. You could get hurt and that would kill me I can't have you being my manager.'' He replied in a stern tone, I crossed my arms over my chest and let out a frustrated huff.

''I would be okay, I can take care of myself if there is any match that you think I might get hurt in then I will stay backstage but I do want to manage you. Come on, I think it will be amazing we could be the new power couple.'' I smirked as I gently nudged his shoulder.

''I know that you can look out for yourself you are a tough cookie, it's just I've lost you once and I don't want to lose you again, I never ever want to see you get hurt. I suppose if you really think this is for the best then I suppose we could give it a try and see how things go.'' He sighed out in defeat, he knew that he couldn't win this argument.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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