"Watcha looking at?" She asks while she was looking at her phone.

"I have such a big crush on you." I tell her while I start to drive and look at the road. I can see a huge smile spread across her face.

"Ugh, why do you have to be so cute?" She yells. I just smile wider.

"Lucky for you, I'm all yours." She adds. I reach for her hand and hold it while I drive one-handed.

We arrive to Toby's party right on time and it looks crazy. In a good way. I open the door for Ali and we walk hand in hand into the party. It was huge. Practically the whole school was there.


We walk into Tobys party and immediately see all the girls. We set the gift down on the gift table and I look back at Em.

"I'm going to go get us some drinks." I say.

"I'm the driver, remember?" She says.

"Right." I say while I get myself a beer. I quickly drink half the beer then grab Emily, who's drinking a coke, and pull her on the dance floor. The music is so loud and everybody is dancing together. Em and I start to dance together and laugh. I signal her to stand still, and then I dance around her, tugging on her jacket and pulling her close. I try to be as hot as I can be and I think it's working because Em is smiling and just staring at me. I get back up to eye level with her and she pulls me in for a long, passionate kiss, that she has obviously been waiting for. We then continue to dance together. Every once in a while, I will throw in a scandolous dance move, causing Em to stare and swoon.

As Em and I are dancing, the DJ says something over the speakers.

"Time for the first slow dance of the night, so grab someone special and dance the night away." He said. I smile at Emily, grab her hand, and pull her into the center of the dance floor, next to Spencer and Toby. I put both my hands around Emily's neck and she grabs my waist and pulls me close.

The song begins and I just stare into Emily's big brown eyes. She's so beautiful. Nobody has ever cared about me as much as she does. As we sway back and forth I put my head on Emily's shoulder. This dance is perfect. As the song is coming to an end we pull out and go back to looking in each others eyes.

The slow song comes to and end and Emily grabs my waist and kisses me. I keep my hands around her neck and kiss her back harder. We kiss for a little bit longer and then pull out and look at each other. She smiles, and she looks so happy. Just like I am right now.

We look around us and realize everybody is staring at us. Not with judgement, but with a happy look, like they like Emily and I being together. We both lightly smile at everyone and walk back out to the drinks.

As the night went on I drank more and more and danced with Emily non-stop. I played a few rounds of spin the bottle with Emily and then afterwards I went to go dance with Hanna, who was just as drunk as me. Hanna and I were laughing and dancing with each other like we used to. I loved having Hanna as a friend.

After dancing with Hanna I was really craving Emily's lips, so I looked around the lake house to try and find her. I finally found her talking to this guy near the drinks. I went up to her and grabbed her hand. I started leading her to a bedroom.

"Ali what are you doing?" Emily said while laughing.

"You will see." I said seductively. I finally found a bedroom and harshly pushed the door open. I closed the door and slammed Emily's lips against mine. Our lips moved perfectly in sync as I cupped her face and kissed her hard. She moved her hands around my lower back and hips never breaking the kiss. I began to lift up her shirt when Emily pulled away and giggled.

"Alison, you're drunk." She said smiling.

"And you're beautiful." I said leaning in the kiss her again harder.


"And you're beautiful." She said as she crashed our lips together again. I smiled into the kiss and decided to just kiss back. She slipped her tongue in my mouth and continued to kiss me. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but since she was so drunk the kiss was more sloppy than passionate. That's when I decided to pull away and smile at her.

"Babe, you're not going to remember any of this tomorrow." I assured her still giggling.

"How do you know that?" She said pouting.

"Because you've had like 5 beers and 3 shots." I said laughing. "Common lets go back down." I said grabbing her hand while she wobbly trailed behind me. She's so funny when she's drunk.

The party went on and it was so much fun. I decided Ali had enough to drink so I stayed with her and made sure she didn't take more alcohol. When she would ask for vodka, I would just give her water. She was too drunk to tell the difference.

The party slowly died out and I decided I should take Ali home. Her parents weren't home and she really needed me so I decided to sleep over at her house. I held Ali's hand so she wouldn't fall and lead her to my car.

"I love you soooo much." Ali kept saying, slurring over her words.

"I love you too baby." I would laugh and reply. I finally got her in the car and buckled her seat belt then did the same for me. I started to drive home.

"You know how much I love you?" She said. I smiled.

"No, how much?" I asked her. Talking to her like I would talk to a little kid. Slow, and steady.

"A lot." She replied. I just laughed and continued to drive home. I finally got to her house after a car ride of Ali explaining how much she loves me over and over again. I would say she was an adorable drunk.

I picked her up out of the car and carried her into her house, bridal style. I got into her room and set her down on her bed. I went in her closet and got some sweats and a T-shirt. I walked back over to her and took off her dress slowly. After it was off she grabbed my neck and kissed me, pulling me onto her. I kissed her back and admired her beautiful body. But then, I quickly got off.

"Don't you want me?" She said with dissapointment in her voice.

"I want you more than anything, but you are way to drunk for that right now." I said looking into her eyes. She nodded and I put her t-shirt and sweats on. I tucked her into bed and went and got the Advil and water ready for tomorrow morning, when she wakes up with a huge hangover.

I took off my pants and just borrowed a shirt from Ali and got into bed with her. I think she felt me getting into bed because right when I got under the covers she flipped over and wrapped her arm around my stomach and rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed her on the forehead and we both fell asleep.


Emison: I can't fight my feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now