Chapter : Two

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-Thirteen Years Later-

"Sir?" A knock echoed throughout the room. Jungkook looked up, a cloud of smoke escaped his mouth. The man gulped, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Jungkook stood up never closing eye contact with the older man.

"How long has it been? A few months hasn't it?"

The older man bowed down to the floor, "I've tried everything! I-I have no idea where he left after the last time I saw him. I promise I never broke eye contact from that boy. The town must've told him about me, sir." The man crawled towards Jungkook. "I beg you- I promise that I always kept my eye on him at all times."

"You really think that the farms will hide from me?" Jungkook stared at older man with anger in his eyes. "I told you to track and protect him the moment we found him. I don't believe the crap that comes out of your dry mouth."

Jungkook kicked the man away and walked towards his desk grabbing a small yellow envelope . He peaked a look at it and grabbed the pile of photographs inside. "You're useless!"

He threw the pile at the man on the floor. The man's eyes widen as pictures of him took over the wooden floor. It was him with women and others spending money on lavish restaurants.

"This is what you use my money on?!" Jungkook grabbed the man and punched him in the face.

The maids and his other guards watched as Jungkook beat the man on the floor. "I asked you to keep an eye on him! Why would you lose the only thing I have left!" Jungkook shouted kicking the man in the neck. The other gasped for air, holding his neck tightly.

Jungkook pushed everything off his desk, taking a deep breath. The older man spat blood on the floor, "I beg you...spare me."

Jungkook scoffed. "Spare?" He unbuttoned his jacket. "Sparing a dog like you is pointless. You are nothing but a waste of air to the rest of us." He pulled out his gun and placed it on his desk. "Don't you remember what I told you when I let you go?"

The man looked up at Jungkook with terror in his eyes. He sat up on his knees and clasped his hands together. "I have something I did collect before you called!" The older man closed his eyes tightly, "He might have left t-to Australia! At a town meeting someone overheard his grandfather say that his son offered them work overseas. They own a butchery in Australia."

Jungkook didn't say a word, feeling his stomach turn. "Australia?" He whispered to himself.

"I can travel there and find him myself!" The man crawled towards Jungkook again, grabbing his shirt tightly, "Please spare me-"

A gunshot echoed the entire house. The man fell limp on the ground. One of Jungkook's guards shot the man.

Jungkook stepped over the man, and walked out of the room as two others dragged the dead man out.

Jungkook walked outside to the garden looking down at the roses. He grabbed one grasping it tightly. A few drops of blood stained the stone under his feet.

"Even if I have to flip a country upside down to find you." Jungkook looked at the blood on his hand, it began to sting as more blood dripped down.

He was now twenty three years old. The youngest leader of his father's empire. Forced to heir what was his after his assassination. Jungkook never would've known that his father worked with the mafia and all the underground systems. In his young eyes he's father was nothing more than a hard working businessman. A clean hand man.

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