Ashleys P.O.V. Take Eight; Part 2 Chapter 81

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I cant believe it was a school night and gone half eleven in the evening and I was still up. I dont know whether its from the manic day I have had and it has kept me wired or whether it was because Gabriel had just left and not very willingly. I was all in a whirl with myself.

Oh what a day I have had, it feels like it has been weeks since I went to work this morning I thought as I had a quick bath and finally got into bed with fresh linen and my flowery flannel pajamas.

The events of today were like a dramatised sketch but the main point out of everything was I had also got my Haloween outfit which was now hanging in the spare room wardbrobe and I could not help feel beyond delighted with it.

Meeting Vic and Vic was certainly a day I would never forget. They were such nice people, totally other wordly but kind gracious and full of fun. 

After I had took a panic attack in the theatre foyer Viv was so kind and not only sat me down inside the big theatre podium but even gave me a glass of brandy for my nerves.  I had a few sips becuase it tasted thick and old whilst she happily swug out the bottle as Vic joined up minutes later with a bottle of cream sherry and a glass for himself.

 I was given a full history of the amazing place and learned that Vic and Viv were actually  twins and had been given the building when their mother passed away many years ago whom  had also inherited it when her mother died so it was a linegage run buisness. Viv like her mother and grandmother had been a singer and trained ballet dancer fom a young age and performed regullary on the very staged I sat in awe of. Vic had started out at the reception and kiosk as the coat check but as a teenager learned the ropes of accounts, booking appointments and managing the place. They both expressed that though it was still a memorable and well established enviroment and still got customers they were not always so fortunate and had fallen on hard times over the years. Viv  told me that even now  when things were a bit slow and they had the right punters in she would never thought twice about getting herself back up on the stage to put on a little show herself. I nealry passed out when Viv told me she and Vic were 86, both unmarried, childless but still had a full and very interesting life living in this very Play House which it turns out they were also born in inside  the cloak room under the stage in 1932.

After asking a million questions about thwir lives here and also being creased with laughter from both of them I was morw than thrilled when they asked me to join thwm for a tour. I could never resist such an offer and was like an exited puppy as the two od them walked me round the stage to show me just how big it was, how the stage lights worked and the old fashioned pully system for the trap door which had had quite a few mishaps because of its age but it was still in use. The stage even had a concealed space  at the bottom of it for an orchestra of a hundred people to play. Viv and Vic then decided to make me turn beetroot as thw re encountered tales of their youth with various memebers of bands and musicians they had peraonal affairs with.

The most remarkable item of all that the podium held was a personal hand made organ that was built into an upper level just off the side of the stage. When I told Viv I loved to play the piano and sing she was more than enthusiastic to let me play a meledy. It was amazing to play and sing and I was quite intimidated by the sound that projected from such an amazing and historical piece of equipment that an over whelming feeling of happiness cause me to shed a few tears as I bashed out the tune of 'The Phantom of the Opera' typically clique but I would never get this oppitunity again. I was applauded by both Vic and Viv who unceremoniously hugged and kissed me for such efforts and both commented prefusiouly about how talented i was and asked if I would ever consider joining such a place. When I declined their offer grasciously and told them about my new job and status at Helsby they asked twenty dozen questions and where generally interested in the work that I did. But both said that if I ever wanted to  make a bit of extra money I was always welcome here as a warm up act for my singing voice once I gave them an accustic version of 'Never Enough'by Jenny Lind, letting slip the song I wanted the children to sing for their Christmas show.

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