5~Thomas the Train Underpants

Start from the beginning

"Wish granted," I called.

"Wait," Jungkook whipped around, eyes round.

I quickly searched myself internally, trying to grasp my powers. They were there thankfully. A little weaker than I'd like because I'd burned them out only a few hours ago. But just enough I think.

"Let's see, what kind of outfits would suit you guys?" I rubbed my chin a little, smirking.

"Hold on! That wish doesn't count though, right?" Jungkook gasped.

I ignored him and clapped my hands.

I felt some of my energy leave but it was worth it.

The ragged clothes disappeared and big poofy outfits replaced them. Hoseok almost swerved in shock while the other six young men stared in stunned silence for a couple seconds.

"Why the heck am I wearing a dress??" Jungkook finally yelled, infuriated.

"You think wearing a dress is bad?" (...Jin I'm pretty sure) shrieked back. "I'm Bigfoot now! What kind of shoes are these?"

"What's with the nightcaps?" Chimin (or was it Jimin?) reached up and tugged the long stocking off his head.

"Oh my ghod it's Snow White and the Six Dwarves," Yoongi clapped a hand over his forehead.

"Please don't say this is what we're really going to where to the airport," (Namjoon?) flushed.

"You guys look so cute," I stifled a chuckle. I glanced over at Jungkook who was angrily tugging at his Snow White dress. "Especially you."

"I swear, Y/N, you change these outfits or I will personally—"

"Give me a break, you can't do anything to me, Kooks," I snorted. Nevertheless I let my power surge through me again and the poofy costumes disappeared, replaced by another.

I was being pretty careless with how I was using my magic at the moment but the reactions around me was priceless and pretty much worth it.

"You get me out of this carrot costume right now, Love Genie," Jungkook angrily began to take off the oversized orange mess of an outfit.

"Hey nice underwear Jungkook," Jimin cackled from the front seat.

Indeed, Jungkook was pretty much stark naked save for Thomas the Train spandex underneath the carrot costume.

He quickly scrambled to yank the costume back on, fuming like a teakettle about to blow steam. Not before I caught a VIP view of solid layers of muscles and abs on his abdomen, though.

"You changed my underwear too, Love Genie?" He seethed. "Thomas the Train? Are you serious?"

Namjoon let out a quiet, resigned sigh as he tugged on his own shark onesie and Jimin was letting out weird growls in his dinosaur outfit. (Jin?) and (Yoongi?) were quietly trying to peer down their own onesies to ensure I didn't change their underwear too.

I shrugged.

"Okay, if we can cut the whole outfit change I'm trying to drive," (Almost 100% sure it was Hoseok) called, struggling to maintain control of the wheel in his now Pikachu onesie.

"Fine," I sighed. "One last one."

I quickly thought of all sorts of outfits in my head on what would look best on all these young men.

Jungkook was tapping his fingers impatiently on his knee, still practically trembling in fury.

"Ah-hah, I got it." I let my power surge one final time.

Another few seconds of silence fell across the van as everyone examined themselves.

"I like it," Jimin declared, grinning.

I leaned back against the seats, smiling a little.

All of them now wore dark suits, matching polished leather dress shoes, and I added a few sunglasses on some of the members to further the effect.

They looked like officially looked like a group ready to take over the world.



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