I Remember

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Tom Pov:

So Amelia told me something... Odd. She said when the old Blue Leader died she went through his notes and found things I never knew about myself.

Apparently when I was knocked out at Blue Leaders place of doom (Also known as where the gigantic tank of AAIC was) he studied me and took a strand of my hair, some of my Reactine fuel, and a small piece of my skin.

What Amelia found was that I had some sort of DNA which robots don't have unless they have some sort of human/animal parts in them since their body is already made by design and not by genes from parents.

Amelia told me she didn't know how to find the DNAs owner, so I should talk to Edd about it. But when I asked why I can't ask Red Leader she said she had a feeling who the DNAs owner was and Edd would know them, but she wasn't completely sure if it is who she's thinking of, so I decided to call Edd about it and tell him what Amelia found.

"DNA? In you?" Edd asks me through the phone with a tired voice since it's one am.

"Yes, but Amelia says you might know the owner to the DNA," I say.

"Well come over tomorrow with the samples and I'll find out whose it is,"

"Thanks Edd,"

"No problem Tom,"



*The Rebellion Base*
*Next Day*

Now that I think about it... I've never actually been inside The Rebellion Base... Do people know about me here?

Edd leads me through The Rebellion Base halls as people look at me with odd expressions.

Edd and I then walk into the laboratory and Edd turns to me, asking me, "Do you have the DNA?"

"Yeah, one second," I say.

I lift my left arm up and press a code into the buttons on my forearm, then the surface where the buttons are connected pop open and my hair, fuel, and skin appear in separate zip lock bags in a little box in my arm. It's a bit weird seeing a part of my bone inside, but I know that Reactine must've created that.

I pull out the bags and hand them to Edd. "Thanks Tom. You just sit over there while I work on figuring out who your DNA belongs to," Edd says, pointing to a chair next to the DNA finder, so I nod and silently sit on the chair.

After a few minutes of Edd scanning the DNA of my hair and other samples his eyes widen and a gasp escapes his mouth. "What is it?" I ask which makes Edd spin his head to me.

"Y-you..." Edd chokes out.

"What's wrong Edd?? Are you okay??" I ask, worried.

"No.. No no.. That can't be possible.. He's dead..." Edd says to himself.

"Who's dead?! What is going on?!"

"Y-your DNA is the exact s-same of a Old Friend of mine..."


Edd sighs and takes a seat on a moveable stool then says, "You remember the story I told you? About the Old Tom?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"You.. You have the same exact DNA as.. Tom..." My eyes widen.

"How is that possible?!"

"I don't know, but I'd like to bring you somewhere special tomorrow..."


"I'll tell you when we get there, but right now I need you to keep all of this a secret from Red Leader,"

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