Robotic Insults

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Tord Pov:

"BACK OFF AND LET ME DO MY JOB!!" Tom screams at James.

"IT'S MY JOB NOW!!!" James screams at Tom.

"GIVE ME MY JOB BACK!!!!" Tom screams at James.

"NEVER!!" James screams at Tom.

I lean back in my desk chair and watch them both fight with a bored expression on my face. I never told James on how I still love Tom... Tom is keeping it a secret even though I never told him to, Tom probably knows what's going on. I made him smart after all-

"RED LEADER WHICH ONE OF US IS BETTER?!" Tom and James scream at me in unison.

"You've both been asking me that all week! Just get over it," I say to the two robots.

"I'm better," Tom says and crosses his arms.

"And why do you say that?" James asks Tom in disbelief.

"Because Red Leader made me," Tom says to James then winks at me with a smirk which makes me blush intensely, James notices and growls at Tom.

"He's my boyfriend you dull-witted bucket of bolts," James says to Tom.

"What confuses me is why he ever chose a ignorant off brand piece of junk like you," Tom says to James quite casually.

"You're a male reproductive organ!"

"You're a pusillanimous!"

"You're sad excuse for a bot!"

"You're a hideous female hound!!"

"You're a-"

I stand up slamming my hands on my desk which catches the two robots attention then I say, "Will you two stop insulting each other already?! It's pointless!!"

"He started it," Tom and James say in unison.

"No I didn't!" They say once again in unison.

"STOP COPYING ME!!!" They scream at each other at the same time.

"I have a meeting," I say which catches both of the robots attention again.

"Take me!" Tom says with a big smile.

"No take me!" James says and glares at Tom.

"I'll take you both, since you're both the same as a pair of whiney identical twins wanting attention from their Father," I say.

"YAAAY MEETING!!!" Tom and James scream in unison.

"Did you guys even hear what I called yo- And they're gone,"

My office door slowly shuts. Tom and James are probably racing again. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I don't like being a Father of two robots..." I say to myself, I then look at the door. I should head to the jeep since that's where they probably are by now. I walk out my office door.

Third Person Pov:

In the Red Army jeep, Tord ends up in the seat between the 2 overzealous robots as they continue to insult and argue with each other. Tord is rather tired of it, but also doesn't mind it too much. He's more nervous of something slipping off Thomases tongue and exposing his love for Thomas and how he doesn't really love James anymore which he knows it would break Jameses heart which he doesn't wish to happen.

Tord has changed his way of feeling for others after all.

While Tord is busy looking at papers on his clipboard of what subjects to bring up in the Peace Meeting Thomas and James are glaring at each other intensely. They're giving a look at each other as if one of them is planning to kill the other.

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