Mother and Father

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Tom Pov:

It's been a 5 days now and Red Leader was supposed to wake up at least 3 days ago. I've just been sitting here and reading child chapter books that the medics gave me since I have nothing else to do. I continue to rest my elbow on my knee while propping my head up by my fist as I begin to finish up "Sleeping Beauty". It's boring, but it keeps me busy since it's a extended version to the original story.

I make it to the part where the Prince has to kiss Sleeping Beauty to wake her up, and of course when the Prince kisses Sleeping Beauty the curse breaks- yada yada yada- BORING!

I quickly skim the rest of the "happily ever after" and shut the book.

I sigh, then I look at my pile of books. I read them all.... WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?!

"UGH!" I groan dramatically and tilt my head back with a bored expression on.

How could a person wake up from a kiss? It's absolute bullsh- I lift my head and look at Red Leader.

... Maybe I'll put this curse to the test.

I get up from my chair and walk over to Red Leader, I lower my head and kiss his lips.

Tord Pov:

"Come on you slug! get up! We're not done with training yet!"

"But my legs hurt so bad!-"

I get slapped to the face, "I don't care! Now get to kicking that wood!"

"Yes Father.." I mumble.

"What did you call me Soldier?!"

"Sir yes Sir!" I solute my Father.

I quickly stand up even though my legs hurt like hail, I continue to kick the wood even though I feel they're on the verge of breaking.


"You didn't see any kids today, did you?"

"No Father..."

Father ruffles my hair which I don't respond to, "Good job. You're too intelligent and powerful for those kids,"

"Thank you for the praise Father..."

"Don't expect it tomorrow,"


"So my Little Soldier, how was training today?"

"Good Mother..." Mother sighs.

"I'm sorry your Father's so harsh.. He's just doing what's best for you,"

"I know Mother..."

"It's good that you understand. Now let's go get you a protein shake,"

"Yes Mother.."


"Um.. Father can I ask you something?.."

"What is it?"

"Can I please get a Nurf Gun?.. I really want to shoot things and be safe at the same time..."

"Hah! I've trained you enough to use real guns and dangerous chemicals! Why the hell would I let you play with a fake gun?! It's ridiculous!"

"But Father-"

"Don't "but" me Tord Larsin! Now if you don't shut up and let me read my newspaper I'll get the paddle!"

"Sorry Father..."




I wake up with a jolt and quickly grab my shirt where my heart is. "It worked?!" I immediately hear.

I turn my head to see Tom looking at me in wonder. "Wh-what?" I ask.

"I stopped the curse like the Prince did!" Tom says and raises his arms in celebration.

"You're so dumb..." I close my eyes. "I'm going back to sleep."

"No no no! Please don't leave again! I'll shut up! Just please stay awake!" Tom looks at me with a pleading look, which I groan to.



Stupid dreams...

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