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Tord Pov:

"Red Leader can you hold this?" James asks and holds his hand out.

"Okay," I say not caring.

I move my hand to pick up what ever is in his hand but James just grabs my hand. I spin my head toward James to see him looking at me with a flirty face then I look at our hands and see his hand holding mine.

"You fucking asshole!" I say and pull my hand away.

"Such a tsundere," James says.

"I would fanboy on how you know that, but I refuse to right now," I cross my arms.

"Awe come on Red!" James wraps a arm around my shoulders. "Cheer up a little and smile!"

"Pff you're a idiot," I smile unconsciously and playfully shove him, which makes James laugh.

"And you're adorable!" James playfully shoves me back.



"Go away,"

"Never," I can't help but laugh.

James isn't so bad...

*Two Weeks Later*

"You can't catch me!!" I yell behind me as I run across the field.

"Oh yes I will!" James says and chases after me.

I plan to run down a hill but I end up tripping and rolling down it, James trips as well and we both roll down the hill. We land on our backs in the grass right next to each other! We laugh uncontrollably.

"That was so fun!" James says.

"I know right!" I say and wipe a tear.

We both slow down our laughing after a minute, we turn toward each other and smile.

"Thank you James..." I say.

"For what?" James asks.

"Making me feel better and for being something close to what my old robot was-"

"Your old robot?"

Some silence occurs, "Yeah..."

"What was their name?"

"His name was Tom..."


"He got drowned in a tank of AAIC..."

"Oh.. I'm so sorry..."

"It's fine.."

I think a bit before asking, "Would you like to see him?"

"Of course," James says with a smile.

Third Person Pov:

By now Thomas has figured out how to move about everything even though he is still quite weak. He still isn't sure if he's ready enough to walk yet, but he's planning on trying at some point even though his eyes don't seem to be ready to work yet.

He still wants to see his love come through the door and he stills wants his love to tell him he's there for him now, but he has realized now that his love has left him for quite a long time and something might be going on that Thomas must wait to be over with until he can see his love again.

"I'm going to try to walk now..." Thomas whispers.

Thomas goes to sit up, but then hears the door knob jiggle which startles him and makes him lay back down and turn his green lights off while somehow still remaining ON.

"What am I doing? It could be Red Leader to take me away from here! Why am I hiding?..." Thomas asks himself in his thoughts.

The door knob twists and the door opens shining a rectangular light into the cold work shop. The lights to the room then turn on which makes the area a much more comfortable place since you know where everything is now.

Thomas is rather excited but of course is still too nervous to move or speak. He hears footsteps walk over to his table. He swears he hears two sets of feet, but decides not to fully believe his senses yet.

"Long time no see Tom..." Thomas hears a Norwegian voice say which makes him feel ecstatic.

The happiness soon dies when he hears a robotic voice ask, "This is your past robot Red Leader?"

"Did he... Replace me?" Thomas asks himself in his panicked mind. "No.. He couldn't of... Could he?"

"Yes.. I miss him so much.. But he's gone now..." Tord says.

"But I'm not gone..." Thomas thinks.

"Well... Nothing can live forever," the new robot says.

"I used to love him more than a servant though James..." Tord says.

Thomas hears walking then 2 different types of material rubbings against each other, this makes Thomas's eyes miraculously turn ON which makes Thomas immediately lift his head to see his leader and another robot hugging.

"Red Leader..." Thomas thinks to himself in dispair. "Replaced me..."

Tord and James both don't seem to notice Thomas as they then pull their faces back but then lean into each other painfully slow for Thomas.

Thomases eyes widen when he sees their lips connect like puzzle pieces, after a whole minute of agonizing pain for Thomas the two new lovers part and smile at each other.

Thomases old lover then leaves hand in hand with Thomases replacement, the happiest Tom has ever seen his long lost love ever before.

The room instantly turns back to darkness and the door locks shut exactly like it was before... Except Thomas knows the truth to why his calls were never answered...

He has been forgotten.

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