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Tom Pov:

All the Leaders have just been joking around with each other. I don't understand pretty much all of the jokes since I've only been "alive" for 4 days and I don't know most of the things they're talking about. I think some of them are about sexual intercourse, but I'm really not sure.

My hearing perks up when I hear Grey Leader say, "Why did the robot go back to robot school?"

"Why?" Orange Leader asks Grey Leader while tearing up from laughing so much.

"Because his skills were a little RUSTY!" Grey Leader says.

I burst out laughing by accident, then the whole room suddenly goes silent and the Leaders are looking at me.


"Did your robot just laugh at my joke Red Leader?" Grey Leader asks Red Leader, cutting me off.

"Yeah sorry, he has a bit of a glitch-"

"No way! That robot has emotion!" Pink Leader cuts Red Leader off.

"No robots can't have emotion, he's just glitched," Red Leader says.

"If this robot didn't have emotion then he wouldn't laugh at a joke!" Pink Leader says.

"He doesn't-"

"How much do you want for him?" Blue Leader asks Red Leader cutting him off and pulling out his wallet.

He wants to buy me?..

"He's not for sale," Red Leader says to Blue Leader in annoyance.

"Oh come on Red! Just name your price," Blue Leader says to Red Leader.

"I said no," Red Leader says to Blue Leader.

Red Leader and Blue Leader glare at each other until Blue Leader puts his wallet away and says in defeat, "Fine."

"I think this meeting is over," Red Leader says and gets up.

"You're ending the meeting because I tried to buy your robot?" Blue Leader asks Red Leader with a raise of a eyebrow.

"Yes. Now everyone go back to your bases," Red Leader says.

Red Leader grabs my wrist and pulls me out the meeting room door.

Tord Pov:

Me and Thomas get into the back seat of my jeep and I tell the driver to take us back to base, then the driver obediently starts driving.


"Are you angry at me Red Leader?" I hear Thomas ask.

I look over to him and see him hugging himself and looking down at his feet.. I can't help but feel bad.

I look at my feet and say, "I'm not angry, just kind of annoyed."

"I'm... Sorry," Thomas says with sadness in his voice.

"It's not your fault-"

I hear... Sobbing? I look at Thomas to see him crying with green liquid instead of tears. Wait.. That's his fuel!

"Thomas you can't cry! You'll run out of fuel!" I say in panic.

"I-I can't help i-it!" Thomas says through his sobbing.

What can I do to make him stop? I think for a second... I think I got it.

I hug Thomas which makes him jump, but he doesn't hug back which confuses me a bit.

"What are you doing?" Thomas asks and sniffles.

Oh right, he really doesn't know what I'm doing. I pull back and say, "It's called a hug."

"How do you do it?" Thomas asks.

"Just wrap your arms around me, like this,"

I hug him again and he wraps his arms around me. I feel the fuel get on to my shoulder from him nuzzling it, but it's not dangerous. I hear his sobs turn quieter and quieter to the point that there's no more tears.

"Can you turn me off for a while... Please?" Thomas asks me.

I pull away and ask, "Why?"

"I just want to be blank for a while..."

"... Well if that's what you want,"

I pull out his remote from my back pocket and say, "Get comfortable Thomas,"

Thomas sits up against the car door, then I press the OFF button. Thomases green eyes, green hands, and green antenna turn to grey.

I sit back in my seat and close my eyes.

It's all just a glitch... Robots CAN'T feel.

Tom Pov:
*Back At Base*

My vision becomes clear and I see that I'm in Red Leader's room sitting in the same chair I power OFF in. I just feel like turning off again...

"You cried too much, you lost a lot of fuel," I hear.

I look toward Red Leader's desk and see him sitting down and looking at something.

"Can you fill me?" I ask causing Red Leader to jump a little.

"D-don't say it like that..." Red Leader says and looks at me with red tinted cheeks.

"Why Red Leader?" I tilt my head.

"Just don't..."


"I ordered the fuel for you, but it'll take about 3 days to get here,"

"Thank you Red Leader,"

I stand up but just end up falling on to my face making a loud thud.

"Tom! Be careful!" Red Leader says running over to me and getting on his knees in front of me.

I lift my head up and ask, "Who's Tom?"

"Um... You?" Red Leader nervously smiles and blushes.

"My name is Thomas,"

"Well Tom is your nickname then,"


"Like a shortened version of your full name,"

"But Thomas doesn't sound like Tom,"

"It's when people with the name Thomas let people close to them call them Tom,"

"Are we close Red Leader?"

Red Leader's eyes widen and he looks away from me, "I guess we are.. You are my creation after all,"

I feel surprised and my mouth turns into a "O" shape, so Red Leader says, "Don't get too excited! It's not like we're partners or anything,"

"I'm just shocked Red Leader. I'll stop now," I say and close my mouth.


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