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Tord Pov:

After a few months, the Peace Meeting building was rebuilt and that meant we had to continue the monthly meetings once again.

Except today Blue Leader demanded in a email to all the Leaders that there's no swearing, no dirty jokes, or even conversation about war in this meeting, which I could tell confused all of us.

Blue Leader also told us we needed to be at the Peace Meeting a little later than usual, so she can "set something up" before the meeting starts, which also confuses us.

She could be trying to set a trap for me, but why would she say we can't do adult shit? It makes no sense!

All of the Leaders and I come to the new Peace Meeting at the exact same time beside Blue Leader whose car is already here, but the odd thing is that her car isn't a Blue Army car, it's just a regular everyday car.

What the hell is going on?! Without many words we all walk into the building. When we make it to the room we see Blue Leader and something we thought we'd never see a Leader ever having.. A child.

Tom Pov:

I see Blue Leader and a small human holding her hand. How can a human be so small? Why is the tiny human so cute compared to all of us? Why is the tiny human so sad looking?

The tiny human has incredibly long black hair that goes down to her ankles that's in a thick braid with a blue streak in her side swept bangs that goes down to her shoulder and bright blue eyes like Blue Leaders. She wears a long light blue dress that goes down to her ankles and very big sleeves that hide her hands, small white boots, and a golden chain necklace with a large blue heart locket hanging from it.

"Hello Old Friends, this is my daughter Amelia. Her babysitter died a few days ago, so I needed to bring her to this little party until I can find a new babysitter. I would also like everyone to address each other by colors so it's easier for Amelia to understand who's who," Blue Leader says in a surprisingly sweet voice then bends down to Amelias face and asks her, "Would you please introduce yourself to the nice people like I taught you Sweetie?"

Blue Leader doesn't look or sound intimidating at all unlike in the past. She has her hair in braid that hangs over her shoulder and a soft smile on. She wears a long blue dress that goes down to her knees that has large sleeves that are similar to Amelias, knee high white boots, and light pink themed make up on.

"Okay Mommy," Amelia softly says to Blue Leader. Blue Leader stands straight and Amelia takes a step forward, looking up at us. "Hello, my name is Amelia, It's a pleasure to meet you all." A few leaders mutter "Aw"

Amelia looks at me and wonder appears on her face that replaces her saddened expression, making me a bit confused.

"Now I hoped you all received my email, because today needs to be a little differ-" Amelia walks over to me which cuts Blue Leader off. "Amelia?" Amelia stands in front of me, looking up at me.

"Are you the robot that Daddy found broken in the forest?" Amelia asks me with her face still full of amazement.

I think she's talking about when the old Blue Leader kidnapped me when I broke in the forest.

"Ehm.. Yes," I say with a bit of nervousness.

"Daddy used to talk a lot about you! He said you were a really well made machine! I always wanted to meet you while you were active!" Amelia says with a excited smile and a sparkle in her eye.

"Oh.. Neat.. I guess," I say and scratch behind my neck.

"Mommy I want to play with the robot!" Amelia says to Blue Leader without looking away from me.

"Go right ahead Sweetie," Blue Leader says.

"Thomas isn't a toy Blue Lead-"

"Sweetie how about you go into the room next to this room so me and the nice people can talk," Blue Leader cuts Red Leader off, making Red Leader look annoyed.

"Okay Mommy!" Amelia says to Blue Leader then takes my hand. "Let's go robot!"

"Red Lead- I mean Red, Do I have permission to go with Amelia?" I ask Red Leader.

"No-" Blue Leader gives Red Leader such a evil glare that he instead angrily says, "Yes you may."

"Yay!" Amelia says then excitedly drags me out of the room by my hand.

Tord Pov:

Once Amelia and Tom are out of the room Blue Leader slams her hands on the table with a pissed off look making us all flinch.

"Listen up! I'm not sure how long Amelia is going to be staying in our meetings, so I need you all to be well behaved or I'll have to break someones leg. GOT IT?!" Blue Leader says in a demanding tone making everyone but me nod. Blue Leader takes her hands off the table and stands straight with her arms crossed, then says, "Good."

"Why did we need to be late exactly?" I ask, raising a eyebrow and crossing my arms.

"Because Amelia gets nervous in new places since her Father died, she needed to get adjusted to this place, which means I had to show her around and tell her about all of you, so she wouldn't break down and cry." Blue Leader says then looks down. "She used to be so much different. She used to love meeting new people and seeing new places, but now she's just so scared of everything... Well... Except Thomas."

"Why isn't she afraid of Thomas?" I ask Blue Leader out of genuine curiosity.

"My husband used to tell her a lot about Thomas. Believe it or not, my husband used to really like Thomas.. He enjoyed the fact that he was made with Reactine just like his parts that kept him alive had Reactine in them, because no one really uses Reactine for powerful machines anymore. Usually people only use Reactine for kids toys, sex toys, pets, and wife, husband, and child robots now," Blue Leader answers me.

"Then why did your husband try to kill him?" I ask Blue Leader.

"He wanted to prove a point. He didn't want to hurt Thomas, but he knew he had to to go all out with his plan," Blue Leader answers me again.

"Bullshit," I say to her.

"Believe what you want, but remember that answer because I won't say it again," Blue Leader says to me.

"Fine," I say to Blue Leader.

This better not be a trick.

Tom Pov:

"So how do you work?!" Amelia asks me with her eyes sparkling.

"Well I was built as a normal machine, but then once I began being fueled with a chemical known as Reactine the chemical started changing the outside and inside of my body," I say.

"How did the chemical do that??"

"No one knows,"

"Who's the creator of the chemical?"

"No one knows,"

"That's weird,"

"I searched the entire internet and there was no founder of the creator in sight,"

"That sucks,"

"Why are you so curious?"

"Well Mommy thinks I'm a normal girl, but I'm not,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well Daddy taught me a bunch of stuff without Mommys Permission, so I know a lot that she doesn't,"


"Can I tell you secrets?"


"You can only tell Green, no one else,"

"Why only Green?"

"I trust him,"

"How do you know him?"

"He used to babysit me!"


"Yes, but that's a story for another day." Amelia smiles brightly. "Now let me tell you some things you should know."


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