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Tord Pov:

"So are the games done yet?!" I ask with sparkling eyes and a ecstatic smile.

"Yep! And it's time for your gift!" Patryk says.

"FINALLY!!" I raise my arms in celebration.

"Follow now Red!"

Patryk starts walking and I walk behind him with a pep in my step. We make it back to the cafeteria and there's a rectangular box that's the size of Tom- Stop thinking of him! This is a good day! Don't ruin it stupid inner depressed Tord! Anyway, it has red paper and pink ribbon on it thats wrapped quite neatly.

"Do you need help opening i-"

I'm practically finished opening it before Patryk can finish his sentence. I see a huge cardboard box which I grab my pocket knife and slice the tape apart in 1 swipe, I quickly open the box. My smile fades into a disappointed face, It reminds me too much of Tom...

 My smile fades into a disappointed face, It reminds me too much of Tom

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⬆️The Gift⬆️

"Do you like it?-"

"I hate it," I say to Patryk cutting him off and a annoyed expression replaces my disappointed face.

(Same Tord)

"Why?? It's a new robot!" Patryk says to me, so I turn to him.

"I'm not replacing Tom," I say.

"Red he's broken. He can't be fixed-"

"But what if he can!-"

"He can't Tord," Paul cuts me off right after I had just cut Patryk off.

I frown and feel tears fill my eyes, I quickly look down and swiftly wipe my tears, I then look back up at them.

I try to look angry as I open my mouth to respond but nothing comes out which just makes my pissed off mask fade into another disappointed face with my eyes then looking down.

I sigh and I turn around and look at the new robot.

"I hope you don't mind that he comes with a name.." Patryk says to me softly.

"What is it?" I ask and look down.

"It's James," Paul says.

"Where did you get him?" I ask.

"A company called Robo Co. This is their most popular robot. It has everything Tom had and even more," Patryk says.

"All you have to do," Paul says. "Is to take the remote."

I turn around to see Paul holding out the remote for the new robot, I walk toward them and look down at the remote in his hand, I gulp.

I'm sorry Tom...

I take the remote.

Third Person Pov:

Darkness still looms in the workshop as always. There still lays a robot in solitude that's slowly collecting dust and many other varieties of particles. Still barely able to move, speak, think... But somehow is still able to feel the cold touch of the table, still able to smell the dirt in the air, still able to hear the silence of the large room... And still able to feel the abandonment from the one he loves and the isolation from the stillness of the immensely inactive area.

The robot feels as though he is living in a cold wasteland with only the shelter of the darkest cave and the warmth of nothing except himself.

He misses the ability to move as freely as he wants, he misses the way his voice could sing to give happiness to others, he misses the thoughts he'd so easily think of before.. he misses the little things he used to see and feel almost everyday like daylight, the smell and taste of delicious food, the way water feels as it blinds your hearing with a glorious flowing noise, and of course the beautiful Norwegian voice of the one he wished he could've given so much more love than he did..

The worst for him is wondering if the one he loves has forgotten him completely and is living without him with ease and living life like somehow he was locked up in some prison because of him...

But still the robot continues to glitch on and off every once in a while to call out for his love even though he can't fully understand why the Norwegian never answers his pleas for him to come back to him and tell him everything is going to be okay.

Of course he tells himself everything is fine... When he knows it isn't. Rest will do him good and he knows it, so for now he remains still and silent like the room he's unable to leave.

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