I'm Sorry

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Tord Pov:

I look down at Toms motionless and emotionless body as he lays on the same work table I created him on.

"I miss you..." I whisper to Tom, even though he can't hear me. "I miss you so much.."

I grab his freezing metal hand and hold it with both of my hands. His metal is as soft as a humans hand would be. I bring his palm to where my heart is and hold it against the area. I close my eyes and lower my head.

"You were really a human Tom... and I'm sorry I never realized that while you were alive.. I realize now.. That robots are humans if you open your mind up and listen to them.. Which I never did for you," I say then look down at Tom's lifeless face. "I wish I could go back in time and listen to all the signs that I tried to block out of my sight.. Then just let you grow instead of slowing you down like I did." I bring my right hand to his cheek and caress it still holding his hand to my heart with my left hand. "I've never done the right thing... For myself and for everyone else," I start to cry again which quickly leads to sobbing. "I-I wish *Sniffle* E-Edd would have just t-told me *Sniffle* what R-Reactine really w-was..."

I pull my right hand back from his face and wipe my tears on to my overcoat sleeve. After a minute of crying I make one last sniffle then whisper, "I love you too... Tom." I lower my head and kiss his cheek. I take his hand that was against my chest with both of my hands and neatly place it back to his side. "Good night Tom..." I say quietly lifting my head. I walk to the door then make one last glance to Tom before turning the light off in my work station and closing the door behind me.

Third Person Pov:

If you look at the darkened room while expecting nothing to change then you won't notice the flicker of a light and the twitch of a finger in the blinding darkness of what used to be Red Leaders favorite room in the Red Army Base...

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