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Tord Pov:

I look up at the night stars as I smoke a cigar and sit upon the roof of the Red Army Base.

I put the robots to sleep, so they shouldn't be disturbing me nor the other soldiers since they know not to mess with me on my smoking break. I usually smoke at night since it's much more calm and smoking plus calm makes it all so much better.

I finish my second cigar and pull another one out of the expensive cigar case. I place the foot of the cigar in my mouth and I pull out my lighter, I open the base lid and flick the flint wheel until it lights up. I cover the wind from blowing it out with my hand and bring the lit lighter close to the cigar head.

Before I can light the cigar I hear, "Smoking's bad for you, you know." I flinch which makes the cigar fall out of my mouth and almost off the roof but I manage to catch it.

I look behind me ready to scold someone, but I end up just seeing Tom at the roof trap door. "Tom?! How did you turn ON?!" I ask in utter surprise and shift to look at him more comfortably.

"I've been able to turn ON and OFF by free will for a while now Red Leader," Tom says and walks over to me.

"Then why do you turn OFF right when I press the OFF button on your remote then?" I cross my arms as Tom sits down next to me.

"Well I just decided to turn OFF when you pressed the OFF button is all," Tom leans back on his hands with his knees hanging off the ledge of the roof like mine.

"You're insufferable," I put my cigar back in my mouth and start to flick the flint wheel on my lighter to light it up again.

"You say that because you've only had your two cigars already and you aim for three a night," Tom plucks the cigar out of my mouth.

"Hey! Give that ba-" Tom chucks the cigar out into the darkness of the night. "TOM!"

"That's better,"

"I'll just grab another then-" I go to grab another cigar from my cigar case but it's empty. "Oh." Tom wraps a arm around my shoulders and which makes me flinch and blush.

"James gave me a few upgrades and updates," Tom says. "That's how I know how much you smoke a night."

"And how in your upgrades did you find out I smoke so much?" I ask.

"Your lungs say it all Tord,"

"Don't call me Tord," Tom sighs.

"Red Leader,"


"I love you," I blush again.

"I.. I love you too Tom,"

Tom uses his other hand and places his thumb on top of my chin and the knuckle of his index finger under it gently moving my face to look at him.

Tom leans in and kisses me with his eyes closed, somehow surprising me and I make a "Hm!" sound. After a minute I close my eyes and kiss back.

Tom's such a good kisser... How did Reactine make everything on him so soft and warm?

Tom pulls me on to his lap making me squeak, but I still wrap my arms around his neck and he rests his hands on my hips.

We pull away leaving a trail of green saliva connecting our lips with me panting a bit and Tom looking at me with a adoring expression.

He smirks as he says, "For a army leader, you're very cute."

"Sh-shut up," I say still very out of breath from the kiss. "Wh-why are you acting so weird tonight Tom..."

"I'm not really my obedient self at night," Tom looks down to the side with a small smile and blush, "My whole mind sorta changes for some reason." I hold his cheek and move it to face me with a smirk.

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