Chapter 68

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I took a deep breath. I had decided to do this in the meeting room instead of Silas office because I had hoped it would help with some of my anxiety. I didn't look up at any of them. Even though Aaron, Silas, and Matthew were only a few feet away I tried to pretend they weren't.

~My name was Allie Henderson.~ I started slow. Maybe talking about the smaller aspects of my life would help ease me into it.

~I was third in command of Wolfsbane but shortly after the pack promoted me Alpha Daniels removed the title. He said the position would be more effective if it were called lead fighters and we should have two. A male and a female.~

"Sexist prick." Aaron grumbled.

I nodded.

~My position allowed me to interfere with a lot of negative aspects. Obviously, I couldn't change traditions but i was able to lessen the suppression. I earned my title with blood and sweat but not everyone saw it that way. My fighters respected me but the male fighters hated me.~

"What about your alpha and beta?" Matthew asked.

I nodded again. I was getting there.

~ The Beta decided he was in love with me. I always imagined 'in love' to be mutual but that didn't matter to him. He wanted me to be his mate. I declined. I didn't feel the same way and I knew Alpha Daniels would see it as threat against him. Alpha Daniels hated me. He would never risk allowing me a strong mate because it would have shifted the power in the pack. He  wants to have all of the power...~

I clasped my hands together to hide their shaking. It was time to get into the actual story of what happened.

~Rogues were going to attack our pack and it wasn't the usual group of four or five rogues. There were hundreds. Our beta and alpha were no where to be found. Cameron, the male lead fighter, and I faced off with the rogues. We set up a meeting, found out what they wanted, and offered a one to one fight.~

"What did they want?" Matthew asked.

~Our lands.~ I said.

Matthew nodded for me to continue.

~I won the fight but Rowan hated killing. She didn't kill him... She could have and she should have because that's how these fights are supposed to end but she didn't.~ I needed them to understand that she had done nothing wrong. Silas nodded at me. He understood.

~The rogues killed him after the fight and told Beta Bennett they wanted blood for blood. They told him we had wronged them by killing one of their own for no reason. Beta Bennett said they had already had their blood and that he would deal with me...~

"What blood did they have?" Matthew asked.

~Cameron's...~ I trailed off. It was getting harder and harder to sound calm and dissociated.

"Who was Cameron?" Aaron asked after several moments of silence.

"The lead male fighter and her romantic interest at the time." Silas said. I looked up at him a little surprised. He was right but I was impressed that he was able to put that together so quickly.

~Beta Bennett let me shower and change. I couldn't get pants on over bandages on my leg from the fight so I had to wear a dress... I don't know how I had never been to the facility he took me too. I don't remember leaving the territory and my leg was injured so it couldn't have been that far...~ I shook my head.

~It was some kind of hospital. The antiseptic smell was overwhelming even after... Rowan begged me not to go in. She wanted to make a run for it but we had no where to go. When Alpha Daniels gives an order you obey or you die so... If I had known I would have risked death but I didn't know... Beta Bennett said that our mates had been chosen. I didn't hear the s. I mean I did but people say things incorrectly all the time.~ My eyes burned as I recalled how stupid I had been. There were so many signs. I should have seen them. I should have known.

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