Chapter 14

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I sat on the floor by the sliding glass door after the meeting. I had grabbed my pillow from the couch. I wasn't thinking about the meeting so much as just watching the rain drops sliding down the glass. It was still raining pretty hard since last night.

"That bad huh?"

I turned away from the glass to focus on Thomas. He knelt down next to me. He glanced at the pillow I was holding. I shook my head. I didn't want him to think I was freaking out. I was just sitting. He shifted and sat down next to me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

I shook my head again. I didn't want to talk about anything for the rest of the day. Thomas didn't say anything else. He sat next to me watching the storm out the window as well.

"There you are." We both looked up at the sound of Cassy's voice. She and Emily both stood in the door way of the kitchen. Cassy was barely visible behind the mountain of boxes she held. 

"Sup?" Thomas asked.

"We were looking for Rylan." Cassy said.

"What are you doing up? I though you had patrol last night." Emily asked.

Thomas shrugged and looked at me.

"Well we were thinking we could play some board games." Cassy held up the boxes and jiggled them around so the pieces rattled. I shrugged again. I didn't recognize any of the games but it seemed worth a shot.    

"I accuse Colonel Mustard, with the candle stick, in the kitchen..." Thomas said. He set his cards down and looked at me expectantly. I shook my head. I didn't have any of the cards he had just suggested. He looked to Emily. Another head shake. Finally he turned to Cassy. She stared down at her cards before looking up with a scowl.

"You cheated." She said.

"Is that a no?" He asked.

Cassy rolled her eyes and shook her head. "There's no way we've been playing for five minutes."

"That is a nooo." Thomas stretched over me to grab the envelope. He pulled the cards out carefully so that no one else could see them. He smirked and dropped them face up on the table. His guess was correct.

"You're a sore loser Cass." Thomas said. Cassy glared harder.

"You are-" Cassy said shaking her head. "There's no way you got that on your first guess without cheating."

""I don't need to cheat. I'm just that good... Tell her Rylan." Thomas said. My eyes widened. I didn't want to be dragged into this. I looked at Emily for help but she looked to be on the verge of laughing. Her expression helped me to relax a little. If Emily wasn't worried about their fight then it probably wasn't anything serious. Emily perked up suddenly and looked toward the doorway. It was perfectly timed to when the beta entered.

"Thomas." The beta said.

Thomas head snapped around to look at him.

"Beta Avi?" Thomas asked as he stood up.

"You're missing an important meeting. What are you doing here?" The beta asked.

"Cup-caking Rylan." Cassy said with a smirk. Thomas shot daggers at her and the betas scowl deepened.

"Go." The beta said when Thomas didn't move.

"I'll see you later." Thomas said. He brushed his hand down my arm. The sudden unfamiliar contact made me shiver. He left without saying anything to anyone else. I watched his back disappear before looking back at the others. All three were watching me. The beta shook his head. He moved across the room and kissed Emily on the top of the head. He mussed Cassy's hair with a smirk. On his way back by me he tugged on the end of my hair. It wasn't a harsh tug but it caught me off guard and I watched as he disappeared as well.

"Sooo..." Cassy said. She sat up straight in her chair as she fixed her hair. "When did that happen?"

I raised my eye brows in confusion.

"That..." She gestured in the direction that the boys had gone. "Thomas."

"He is just being friendly." I wrote.

"No, he likes you Ry. He was flirting with you the entire time. You didn't notice?" Emily said.

My cheeks flooded with heat. I hadn't noticed any flirting. Sure, he had been really nice and directed most of his attention toward me but flirting? Maybe I didn't know how typical guys flirt. I could feel my eyebrows pulling together in confusion. I couldn't understand why he would feel that way let alone pursue something. My time here was still temporary even if I tried to imagine a relationship it wouldn't last. Maybe he was looking for a fling that would disappear later. I definitely wouldn't be any good for that either.

"What do you think he wants?" I asked.

"From what I know Thomas is a pretty good guy. I mean he's young and dumb but that's all of them." Emily said.

"I'm not really looking for any kind of relationship right now and definitely nothing physical." I wrote.

Emily nodded.

"He isn't one of those casual sex guys if that's what you're worried about." Cassy said.

"I think she means she just got here, she doesn't know him, and she doesn't know what is going to happen so she would rather not make any roots." Emily said.

"You aren't staying?" Cassy asked shocked.

I shook my head no.

"Why?" Cassy asked.

"I don't have a wolf. I don't belong in a pack." I wrote.

"That's a load of b.s. You don't need a wolf to have a pack." Cassy said. "Look, I've got practice. We will definitely have to talk about this later." Cassy held up her hands as she spoke. She stood from the table and left as well. I looked at Emily with wide eyes. Emily shrugged.

"She's a teenager. I'm sure she'd understand if you explained but I do agree with her. You belong here." Emily said.

I shook my head. I didn't belong anywhere but that seemed like a discussion for another day.

"So, I have to go into town and I was thinking if you wanted to come we could stop off at a book store and grab a few copies of ASL. It's American sign language. You can learn to talk with your hands and Cassy and I can learn to read it so that you can communicate even if you don't have the white board." Emily said. I was grateful for the change in subject as well as the idea. I nodded enthusiastically.

"Ok, cool... Uh I should probably also mention the reason I have to go into town is for an appointment. It won't be all fun unfortunately." She said.

I shrugged. I didn't mind waiting around a little. It did seem odd though that she would go so far out of the way to see a different doctor than the pack doctors here. I didn't see any harm in asking.

"Why not a pack doctor?" I asked.

"Well... If what I think is going on is actually what's going on I don't want to risk anyone else telling Silas before I do. I think it's the only safe way to do this." She sighed.

"Whats going on?" I asked.

"You'll see." She said. 

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