Chapter 27.

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~He moved slowly this time. His lips were warm and inviting. I leaned into the kiss. It was different than before. It was pleasant. An earthy pine scent enveloped me. I sighed into the kiss. His thumb brushed across my cheek to my chin and urged my face up a little for a better angle. I could feel the callouses on his hands but it wasn't unpleasant. It only served as reminder that he was strong and carefully choosing to be gentle with me. His tongue swiped across my lips sending a wave of tingles through me. I gasped and he deepened the kiss. This time his tongue slipped into my mouth and caressed my tongue with the unfamiliar tingles. He pulled back slightly. Giving my lips another slow, lingering, kiss before pulling back enough to look at me. I looked at him as well. The mesmerizing forest green caught me off guard but I wasn't completely surprised. I closed my eyes and leaned forward this time. It was my turn to initiate a kiss. I received a sharp bite and jerked back. The green had darkened to chocolate brown.

"Rylan." Thomas pulled me back in despite my struggling. His kiss was suffocating. His tongue choked me. I couldn't breathe. I tried to push away but only managed to fall back on the cold stiff sheets of a bed.

"Thomas..." I pleaded looking up quickly to catch his eyes but he wasn't Thomas anymore. Cold black eyes stared back at me for a moment before suddenly reaching down and flipping me over.

"No!" I said trying to get up and away. It was useless. He was too fast and strong. I tried to breathe through the tears but it was impossible. I was crying too hard. I could already taste the blood. I knew what was coming. I braced for the pain and closed my eyes...~

I sat up with a gasp. I was covered in sweat and crying just as hard as I had been in the dream. The faint taste of blood lingered in my mouth. I shoved the blankets off and went for the door. The dream and the taste of blood were too much. I was going to puke. I made it to the bathroom in time to empty my stomach into the toilet. I stared down at the liquid in the bowl. There was actual blood. My throat was bleeding.

I stood and shakily splashed some water on my face. I needed to go down to medical. Hopefully someone was there. I felt oddly calm after seeing the blood. It was as if seeing the reality of my pain made it hurt less. At least it wasn't all in my head and so what if I was bleeding. The worst that could happen in this scenario wasn't even that bad considering. I paused in the hallway outside of medical. It was still hard for me to face that room.

"Rylan?" The alpha asked. I glanced back at him. He was coming out of his office.

"Is everything ok?" He asked.

I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly and did a quick sign.


"I think Matthew is still here." He nodded. "Take a seat on the couch and I'll grab him for you." There were no additional questions. I took a seat on the couch as he had suggested. I was relieved he wasn't making me explain what had happened. He returned quickly with Matthew close behind him.

"You are up very early." Matthew said with a soft smile. I gave a small wave. I was nervous now. Alisa had Matthew sit in on a couple appointments so I'd gotten more used to him being around but it was weird without her here.

"What's going on?" He asked.

'I'm bleeding.' I signed before I remembered that he didn't know sign language. I reached up and touched my throat.

"She's bleeding." The alpha said for me.

"Are you sure? Sometimes the taste can linger because of the scab and-" Matthew said.

I shook my head interrupting him. I glanced at the alpha to see if he could understand what I was signing.

"She got sick and there was blood. She's sure." He said for me.

"Ok." Matthew nodded. "Let's take a look." He grabbed a small light and a tongue depressor before gesturing for me to open my mouth.

"Mmm." He said nodding. He removed the stick from my mouth. "Ok. There is some bleeding but it doesn't look too bad. Let's try some ice water and you can tell me what happened." He said standing back up. We moved to the kitchen and he handed me a cold glass of water.

"Start with a soft gargle. Shift your head around and let the water slide around over your throat and then let it out of your mouth into the sink. Don't spit. Just let it run out." Matthew directed. I did as he said several times before he nodded and took the glass back.

"What happened?" He asked.

"She woke up from a bad dream and got sick." The alpha said for me as I signed. He and Matthew exchanged a glance.

"Is it possible you tried to cry out in your sleep?" Matthew asked.

I dropped my eyes to the floor and nodded. It wasn't just possible. It made perfect sense. I had made it so long without the nightmares. That one had caught me off guard.

"Night terrors?" The alpha asked. Matthew nodded a little.

"Shit." The alpha muttered pinching the bridge of his nose.

"It's easy enough to handle." Matthew said.

"Except she's not going to take the pills. She hasn't even been taking her pain meds." The alpha said. My eyes widened and I glanced up at them. I was surprised first that the alpha knew I had been prescribed pain medication but also that he knew I wasn't taking them. I suppose he would be able to smell the difference if I had. I was also surprised that they wanted to prescribe me even more medication. I damn sure was not going to take any kind of sleeping pills.

'I don't want any medication.' I signed.

"Exactly." The alpha sighed.

"What?" Matthew asked.

"She said she doesn't want any medication." The alpha repeated.

"It's just to help you to not dream until we can work through what happened." Matthew said.

I shook my head. There was no way I was going to willingly sedate myself.

"Ok..." Matthew said. "Can I check your throat again?"

I nodded and stepped forward for him to look.

"The bleedings stopped but I don't know for how long. If you try to use your voice to soon it could still cause pain and more bleeding. Not to mention the additional scaring will make it less likely that you'd be able to speak again in the future." He said.

I rolled my eyes a little but offered an enduring smile.

'We both know I wont ever be able to speak. The scaring is already to much.' I signed. Matthew looked over at the alpha to see if he would translate.

The alpha shook his head. I couldn't blame him. I had signed very quickly and there was no way he had caught all of what I'd said.

'Goodnight?' I signed. In hopes of leaving before they decided to question more.

'Is she ok to go back to bed?" The alpha asked. Matthew nodded.

"I would really prefer to give you something to avoid any further night terrors." Matthew said. 

I shook my head quickly. That was not going to happen. 

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