Chapter 43.

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We all went into the living room. I'd grabbed my drink off the counter and took several more sips as they set up a television and some type of game.

"I'll go first so you can see what's going on but basically you move this to turn, this button is for gas, and this is the brakes." Silas said showing me the buttons on a controller. I nodded but when it was my turn to play I had no idea what to do. Silas reached over mid-way through the race so his hands were over mine and he helped me get back into second place. It wasn't a win but I didn't feel like a total loser.

'Thank you.' I signed.

He smiled and nodded. A few rounds later I was starting to get the hang of it except Aaron was in my rounds and managed to win every time.

"Last round." Emily called. I was excited to be in second place when Aaron's car suddenly turned and crashed.

"Hey!" Aaron complained but I didn't look back. I wanted to win at least once. My car spun around on the TV with 1st place above it. I tapped Silas leg excitedly and pointed.

"I see it Leannan. I see it." He laughed quietly.

I remembered Aaron saying something and looked back to see if he was upset. Aaron was glaring at Quinn. Both Quinn and Amanda had controls which meant one of them had taken Aaron's. It sapped some of the fun out of my victory to know there had been cheating but I was relieved it wasn't Silas that had cheated.

"Alright." Quinn stretching. "I think it's time we start heading out. It's getting late."

"I guess it is almost 30 minutes back to my place." Emma said. "We can walk out with you."

"Uhhh sure..." Quinn sighed.

"Thanks for letting us hang out Silas." Amanda said. She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll see you at practice on Monday."

"See you at practice." Silas agreed.

"I think I'm going to stay if that's ok?" Cassy said.

"Of course." Silas said.

"Silas. Aaron." Quinn shook hands with each of them.

"Finally..." Aaron said once the door shut behind them. Silas laughed but laid back on the carpet.

"Why are you so passive towards Amanda? She's pretty, she's a nice person, and she really likes you." Cassy said.

"She is also part of the reason the council is breathing down Silas' neck about being an unmated alpha AND she gives them inside information about every pack meeting we have." Aaron said.

"Why?" Cassy asked surprised.

"Her father is on the council." Silas said.

"No, I mean why are they pushing you about not being mated? It's not like it's your choice." Cassy said.

"It's not just that." Silas said.

"Is it the alliance? That stuff with Alpha Callum?" Cassy asked.

"Cass..." Aaron said and glanced at me.

"We already told Rylan about it. Is that why the council is on you lately?" Cassy pressed.

"Yes, but they are using the procedural breach as an excuse. You need to be more careful who you discuss this with. Rylan is fine but that doesn't mean that the people around you are." Silas said.

"Emily was the only other person in the room." Cassy said.

"You don't know that and that's my point." Silas said sitting up. "If you aren't discussing it in a secure location there's no way to know for sure who might over hear."

"You mean like Amanda?" Cassy guessed.

"Amanda, Emma, Thomas, there are too many to name. It doesn't have to be someone reporting directly to the council. Anyone that would openly spread gossip is also a threat." Silas said.

'Thomas?' I asked. Silas and Aaron exchanged a strange glance.

"Aaron didn't tell him anything about what you went through. The only way he found out is if he overheard someone else's discussion." Silas said.

"How is he a threat though?" Cassy asked.

"We don't want the council to know anything that we don't tell them ourselves. Even something smaller like the party last week could be used against Silas on this case." Aaron said.

"You mean against Rylan?" Cassy asked.

"Not exactly..." Aaron sighed.

"What?" Cassy asked.

"The council is using Rylan's case against Silas. They are pretty upset with him and they want him removed from power." Aaron said.

"What did you do?" Cassy asked horrified.

"It's not something I did. It's what I won't do." Silas sighed.

"Because you won't punish her? Did they miss the fact that this is her HOME? They can't do this!" Cassy said.

"They can. Poor decisions were made and it doesn't help that they don't have reasons for each action." Aaron said.

"But you do have a reason. Why not show them the DNA tests?" Emily asked.

"It's not that simple." Silas said.

"Why not?" Cassy demanded.

Aaron and Silas exchanged another look.

"They will want to question her." Aaron answered finally. "If she goes to court there will be a representative from her old pack. If they recognize her, and the council deems that she is rightfully a part of THEIR pack, she has to go with them. Wolfsbane kills deserters... Cassy they will kill her."

"But she was born here. She's our family." Cassy said. Her words surprised me. I hadn't realized she thought of me as part of her family. My chest tightened. I wasn't used to people caring so much.

"Which is why Silas is doing everything he can to help." Aaron said.

"Why can't they accept that. Doesn't family mean anything?" Cassy asked. Her tears made my eyes burn in sympathy and shame. I didn't deserve to be protected like this and I definitely didn't deserve her tears.

"There are a lot of other factors involved as well..." Aaron said.

'Bathroom.' I signed as I scrambled to my feet. I didn't want to hear any more of this conversation and I felt sick to my stomach with guilt. 

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