Chapter 42.

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"Ok, hands off Green. She's not cleared for training." Silas said.

"Easy Alpha you know I share." Quinn said but his hand dropped away.

"I don't." Silas half laughed. I glanced nervously between Quinn and Silas. I couldn't tell where their joking began and ended. Their facial expressions gave nothing away aside from both looked slightly amused with the other. I glanced over at Emily to see if she'd be any help but she and Aaron were talking quietly.

"Is Alex coming?" Silas asked breaking the tension.

"Who knows..." Quinn rolled his eyes. "But I saw Cassy on my way up. She has Amanda and Emma with her."

"Great." Silas sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

'Do we not like them?' I typed out in my phone for Quinn.

Quinn shrugged. "It's more so that they really like us... Amanda has a thing for Silas and Emma has been trying to get in my pants since high school. We're just missing Jessica and it'd be like old times."

"What?" Emily said breaking away from her conversation. "Quinn Green do not bring up that little tramp unless you want my foot in your ass."

"Yes, Ma'am." Quinn said and winked at me.

"Stop doing that." Silas grumbled.

"Why?" Quinn said, "She turns all pink. It's adorable."

"She's turning pink because you are making her uncomfortable." Silas said.

"I'm making you uncomfortable?" He asked surprised.

I gulped and held my fingers up to show a tiny little bit. I just wasn't used to the constant flirting and touching that he kept doing.

"Sorry, I'll ease up... For now..." He said. I smiled a little at his joke but took a step closer toward Silas. I mostly just didn't want Quinn to reach out and touch me out of no where again.

Another knock at the door helped distract from my not so subtle movement. Emily raised an eyebrow at me but I couldn't figure out what she was implying before three girls entered the room. Cassy came up to me. I knew before she did it that she was going to hug me but I still felt the tightness in my chest along with the sinking feeling of being trapped. Some how I managed to squeeze her back.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for you to think I was mad at you. I was never mad. I was just worried about what Jason would do to you if you stuck around and I didn't want you to get hurt." She rambled as she let go. I clasped both hands around my glass to try and keep from spilling but the liquid inside trembled. Silas reached over and casually pulled the cup away. I was relieved for the freedom it gave my hands as well as not having to worry about spilling it.

'I understand.' I signed. For the most part I did and I didn't have the heart to argue that I had been just as worried about her.

"So what's the plan? Are we drinking? Playing some games?" One of the girls asked.

"You are not old enough to drink Emma." Silas said.

"She was drinking." Emma said pointing at me.

"Rylan is old enough." Silas said.

'They are actually the same age...' Emily signed casually as she hid her laughter.

I raised my eye brows and looked over at Silas. He shook his head.

"So just games?" The other girl asked. I assumed she was Amanda. She sounded nervous which made me feel a little less out of place since I was nervous too.

"What'd you have in mind?" Silas asked taking another sip of his drink.

"We could play that racing game that we played last year?" She offered.

"There's too many people." Quinn said.

"So we can play in teams and take turns." She said.

"Sounds good to me..." Emily shrugged.

"Teams by color?" Amanda asked.

Emily nodded.

"Yellow!" Emma said.

"Blue." Amanda said with a smile.

"Rylan?" Emily asked.

'Green?' I signed nervously.

"Red." Emily smiled.

"Red." Aaron said instantly.

"Green." Silas said.

"Blue." Quinn said.

"Yellow." Cassy laughed.

"I thought we were supposed to pick our favorite color?" Amanda asked confused.

Emily shrugged. "Favorites can change."

'What just happened?' I asked confused.

"We chose teams based on who has what favorite color." Silas said.

'Your favorite is green?' I asked.

'No. Blue. Secret.' He signed back.

"It's kind of rude to have a conversation no one else can hear..." Emma said eyeing us.

'Sorry.' I signed.

"Rylan's sorry she can't speak. Would you like her to be a wall flower all night and not communicate at all?" Emily said. I was surprised by her sudden sass. I'd never heard her talk to someone like that in a non-joking manor.

"I didn't mean- I just meant-" Emma stuttered.

"We're just feeling a little left out. I'm sure Rylan is funny and intelligent so we want to hear what she says too." Amanda said.

"We will try to remember to translate more." Silas said. He gave Amanda a warm and soft smile.

"Thank you Silas." She said and returned the tender smile.  

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