Chapter 1

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Harry didn't know how, why, or when; but the thoughts of one particular person keeps creeping into his mind. At first it was innocent. Wondering how they were doing, noticing subtle changes in their typical icy stature, things like that. Recently though, the thoughts have begun to be bit more scandalous, every once in a while. Picturing them underneath him, blushing, begging... Wondering how they sounded, smelled, or what they even like. But he really did want to know more, everything, about them. This was becoming a problem for Harry. He didn't want the later, particularly those, thoughts popping up randomly during class. Especially when they have a class together. Harry sighed, not really knowing what to do in his predicament.

"What's the matter Harry?" Hermione asked. They had just gotten into the common room and sat next to the fire, burning brightly.

"Oh you know, just thinking about things." Harry stifled a laugh.

"Now I know that's not true. You hardly ever think this hard about stuff. The only thing I can think of is how good the food is going to be this year." Ron was practically drooling. Harry was thankful though, now Hermione will stop badgering him and scold Ron about there being more to school than food.

Harry's thoughts were only if that person. He still couldn't bring to even think their name.

"Hopefully this year won't be too hard." Ron eventually sighed. They had switched to talking about actual school.

"It's our last year here guys, then we'll be off in the real world working. We've already learned most things that we need to know. There's nothing to be concerned with." Hermione smilled reassuringly. Sure, she is fine. But Harry and Ron? They'll have to study their asses off to get decent grades.

"If you say so." Harry laughed. The group continued to talk into the late night and eventually dispersed to their rooms to sleep.

Ron and Harry slipped quietly into their room and into their respective beds. After a while Ron said, "Hey, Harry?"

"Yeah Ron?"

"If something is bothering you, you can always talk to me and Hermione. You're my best mate and I'll always be here for you."

"I know Ron, Thank you. Of course the same goes for you."

"I know."


Ontop of not getting him out of his mind, Harry is staring at him too. Yes... him. Harry has now come to terms and be comfortable to admit that the person he has been thinking most about is a guy. Harry is deep in thought about who he was anymore. The guy being someone whom he originally not thought about before, no matter how long he knew him. Harry was so deep in thought he didn't even notice that he and his friends were headed toward potions next, and about to bump into someone rather unpleasant.

"Watch where you're going Potter, you already cause enough problems being yourself." Malfoy spat. Goyle sneered along side the blonde boy. All Harry could do was look up from the ground at the blonde infront of him. Harry sighed and tried to keep on walking.

"Like you're any better Malfoy. No one wants your snobby nose in their business." Ron retorted back.

Malfoy looked at Potter and wondered why he didn't say anything, nothing, to the rude comment he made. He always does! And Potter never needs Weasley to say anything back for him. "Potter, why don't you talk instead of this weasle?" Malfoy scoffed.

"I'm just not up for your antics today Malfoy." Harry turned to leave, dragging his friends into the potions room, leaving a dumb founded Malfoy.

"Has Potter gone mad?" Malfoy wondered allowed. Goyle shrugged his shoulders and the two of them walked into the classroom as well, since Slytherin and Gryffindor share potions together. Draco made sure to sit where he could keep an eye on the obviously troubled raven haired boy. Potter's own friends didn't seem worried about the suddenly quiet boy, which is something new to Malfoy. Potter always had a retort for Draco, no matter what was wrong with him. This new behavior was unsettling, very different.

Draco didn't like it at all.

Throughout the lesson Draco could tell that Potter wasn't paying much attention to it, too busy caught in his thoughts. Draco had to pay attention though, but everyone in a while he would catch Potter staring at him, but rather blankly. Potter didn't even notice when Draco would catch him staring. The stares made Draco feel slightly uncomfortable, kind of self concious too. Whatever Potter was thinking about, he ought to get over it soon. Draco was unsure of how long he would be able to stand it.


"Harry get your head out of the clouds!" Ginny pouted. They were in the Great Hall eating, obviously Ginny had been trying to say something to him, but Harry couldn't be bothered with her prattling today. She was just trying to flirt, mostlikely.

"What if my head wants to be in the clouds?"

"Well what on earth are you even thinking about. It must be important since you aren't even paying attention to your friends." or me, she added under her breath. Just barely audible for Harry to hear her. He knew that she wanted a second chance with him. She's been trying and flirting with Harry since the school year started and during summer when Mr and Mrs Weasley weren't around. At first Harry was okay with it, even entertained the idea. But his mind has been so preoccupied with that one boy, she never crossed his mind anymore.

"None of your business." Harry looked down and continued to play with his food.

"Oh Harry don't be like that." Ron whinned, he hated seeing his sister upset, but he also wanted his best mate to feel better too.

"I'll just go be sulky somewhere else then." Harry got up and promptly left.

"Now look what you've done." Hermione scolded Ron and Ginny. Draco noticed her standing up and leaving right after the ravenette. Atleast Granger can tell something is up and can take care of the stupid green eyed boy. He wouldn't have worry about Potter anymore. Worry? Is that the correct word?

Hermione caught up to Harry on the staircases. "Are you okay, is there anything you wanna share? There is something bothering you, Harry please let me help you in anyway I can."

"Hermione I would if I could even understand what's going through my head. But I don't."

"Password please." The Fat Lady asked.

"Caput Draconis." Harry said and the door slowly opened. The two went in and, because there were some third years in the common area chatting, so they went up to Harry's room.

"Maybe I can help you think through some things?"

Harry thought about it for a moment, if anything Hermione wouldn't judge him. But he definitely wasn't going to go into depth about it. "Well... there is this person who's been on my mind a lot recently. I don't really understand why. I just want to know more about them, but I used to never even want to be near them. I'm really confused."

Hermione knew exactly where this was going, but he had to really come to accept and conclude it himself. "Maybe you want to be friends with this person? Sounds like something changed recently for you to want to be close to them. Any chance you want to tell me who they are?"

His name was on the tip of his tongue, but how could he admit to Hermione that... that it's Malfoy?? He couldn't, especially since she wasn't fond of him, and neither is Ron. "I'd rather not, for now anyway. Maybe, if we can become friends, I'll let you know."

"Fair enough. Thank you for sharing." Hermione smiled. "Anything else on your mind?"

"Other than Ginny being more annoying than usual, no. Just that one person is usually the main thought."

"Yeah, she's just still in love with you. Hopefully some time, and you treating her the way you have been, then she'll stop feeling this for you." Hermione shrugged.

"Anything you want to talk about Hermione?"

"Nope. Ron and I are fine. Just worried about you is all. Glad to know that I was some what helpful though. And I'm always here for you if you want to keep talking about this person more."

"I know Hermione, thank you so much."

"Of course."

Harry went to bed that night, Malfoy still on his mind. He supposed that maybe friendship was what he wanted from the blonde boy, but merlin how was he supposed to do that?

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