"Alright so here's the deal. We need you to record our dances from that angle." Klaira says and I look at the coach and she nods and holds a camera.

"Alright." I say and the coach walks over to me as Klaira gives her a thumbs up and I was given a camera.

I walk over to the area in front of them and the song Money by Cardi B starts to play loudly and I press record and steady it on the rail and start to record them dancing. While recording, I look up and saw the group of boys watching them and goofing off trying to mock them. I smile and look back at the recording and continued to record the girls dancing.

I stop recording when they finish and hand the camera down to the coach. I look up to see the boys now acting like they were recording or taking pictures, mocking me. I smile and walk back to my seat and sat down, crossing my right leg over my left. I take my mind off of the boys and just watch Klaira and the majorettes practice.

I stay for a couple hours before getting up to head to one of the Starbucks on the campus to grab a drink for me. I walk into the building and stop temporarily to look at my phone when I look up and saw Jungkook.

"Hello again stranger." I chuckle and he laughs and waves before heading into a restroom.

I walk towards the doors when I hear him shout wait. I stop and look over at him and saw him jogging towards me. I put my hands behind my back and tilt my head up at him though he wasn't much taller than me.

"I need a tour to the nearest café..or a place where I can get my friends something to drink."

"Well you caught me right on time. I was just headed to a Starbucks." I say and we walk to the door and he opens it for me and lets me for first. I thank him and hand him my sunglasses ad he looks down at them.

"I know who you are, don't need you mobbed out here." I smile up at him and he takes my glasses and puts them on.

"Gamsamnida" He says and I look over at him.


"Thank you." He laughs

"Alright, let's make a deal. On our small adventure, please teach me some Korean." I say and he nods.

"Bet." I say and he looks at me.

"Bet on what?" He asks and I smile.

"I'll teach you slang, you teach me Korean, deal or no deal." I joke and he holds his pinky out and I lock my with his.


We lose track at time at the Starbucks as he teaches me how to say 'I love you' and a pet name for a significant other. I on the other hand taught him highkey, lowkey, and bet. Needless to say, he's a fast learner. He told me crazy fan stories and honestly I wasn't surprised, some girls go crazy and they apparently want to be remembered. I told Jungkook about the one time I had a crazy stalker friend in senior year and they were arrested for breaking in and entering.

"Oh shoot! I lost track of time! You should get back." I say looking at the time and he waves his hand.

"It's fine, we were on break until another fifteen minutes and it only took only five minutes to get here." He points out and nod and take a sip of my green tea with a hint of lemon.

"What's your major?" He asks and takes a bite of a panini.

"Marine biology." I say and look up and he hums and sits back and messes with his hair a bit.

"Why aren't you freaking out?" He asks and I raise a brow and give a half smile and tilt my head to the side a bit.

"Well for starters, I don't really listen to Kpop-the only time I do is when my best friend forces me to listen to it." I say honestly and he puts his hand over his heart.

"Aish jagi. That hurt." He smirks and I shrug and smile.

"Sorry Jungkook."

"It's fine."

"Wait you called me Jagi." I say finally realizing and smile. I get a text from Klaira and see that she's asking where I went.

"Neo gwaenchanh ni?" Jungkook says and I look up at him.

"Klaira is asking where I am." I answer.

"How'd you know what I said? I thought you said you didn't know a lickity split of Korean." He says and I laugh.

"I don't I just figured what you asked was if I was okay and I did not teach you 'lickity split'" I say amused and he gets up and holds his hand out.

"I heard someone else say it." He says as I take his hand and he helps me out the booth.

"Wow your hands are soft....and that sounded weird." I say and face palm.

"You hands are soft as well." He says and I take my cup and walk out the door, holding it open for him and he grabs the door and lets me go first.


We get to the stadium and I walk down to the field. Before we part ways, Jungkook gives me a big tight hug.

"Maybe we'll see each other around, maybe not." He says and I smile and wrap my arms around him tighter.

"You know where to find me."

"See you later-jagi." He says and we both let go and I smile and nod. I start to walk off when he calls my name. I turn around and he holds out my sunglasses.

"Keep 'em." I say and give a closed mouth smile and we wave a goodbye before parting ways. I walk to the majorettes who were staring at me in awe and as soon as I get to them they start to bombard me with questions and I hold my hands out.

"Ladies please, nothing happened. We went to Starbucks and lost track of time, that was it." I say and Klaira pretends to wipe a tear.

"My baby loves Kpop now." She says and I scoff.

"In your dreams Klaira."


The rest of the day I went back to my dorm room to just chill and hang out. As I laid in my bed watching a movie on my laptop, there was a knock on my door, thinking it was Klaira, I jump up and head to the door and peak out but I didn't see anyone. I open the door and look around. I was about to closed the door when I just happen to look down and saw a small block with my name on it. I pick it up and bring it inside. I close the door and make my way to my small living room and sit on the single couch and set the gift on my lap and looked at the note.

"To my smol jagi." I read and smile knowing exactly who it was. I open it and inside was a small picture of him with yellow bunny ears and his signature. I smile and pick it up and flip it and saw a small note.

"Thanks for making me feel like a normal human being again. I hope we can meet again" I read aloud and smile at his drawn smiley face.

"Cute Jungkook. I hope we meet again too." I smile and take the small gift and take the picture to the top edge of my desk so when I was having a bad day I can just sit up and look at it.

I lay back in bed and smile and continue to watch the movie. Today may have been one of the best days to ever happen to me, but I doubt it would happen again.

Hello :) I promise I won't have a message at the end of each chapter but again I hope you like it and thank you for reading it. Feedback is always welcome, I want to grow as an author to satisfy readers :) Okai bye bye :P

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