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I was standing outside Jens apartment knocking in the front door repeatedly but no one answered, I tried calling in case she was out somewhere but she didn't pick up.

I try calling again only this time there was a slight melodic tune coming from inside. I press my ear against the door and hear her phone buzzing, I know she's inside. But why isn't she answering.

I know that there a key under the plant pot beside the door so I pick up the plant pot and remove the key. I then put it in the key hole and twist letting the clanking sound echo in my ears along with my heart beat when I see only one room in the house lighted up.

The bathroom.
Call me cliche or whatever you want but sad people in movies alone at home in the bathroom is not a good sign. I mean 13 reasons why anybody?

I slowly walk up to the bathroom door and drop to my knees at the horrid sight displayed in front of me, there she is there's my Jen lying in a pool of her own blood. Head leaning drooping to one side as her whole body reflects the white of her bathroom tiles.

I cover my mouth and scream into my palm as tears flow down my cheeks, I start panting and I feel my head hurt my chest squeeze and all of a sudden I'm having a panic attack.

I fumble around and desperately diving my hand into my pocket in search of my phone. I find it and immediately dial 911.

It dials for a few seconds but they seemed like hours and eventually the operator picked up,
"Hello what form of assistance do you need?"
"I need an ambulance! My friend has attempted suicide and I feel like I'm about to faint I I feel so-" I burst out in tears
"Oh ok we'll be right there stay on the line for me."
"I'm so scared the whole tub it's red and she's pale I can't believe this what if she's dead what will I do then I can't loose her!!" I say full out screaming as tears flow like rivers.
"It's ok she's going to make I just need you to breath."
"When are they gonna get here they need to hurry! She's practically bled out and she's pale and I can't see her chest rising- THEY NEED TO FUCKING HURRY!!" I scream into the phone.
"They should be there in five to eight minutes."
"Oh god please I can't loose her I need her to get help why why." I say more to myself crying constantly.
"Do you know when she could've done this?"
"She left school around 3:40 and I arrived seven minutes ago."
"So around the time of 3:40 to 5:50. Please describe what she did to herself?"
"Umm her wrists appear to be slit and she's fainted in the tub it's filled with water and there's a razor and I'm not sure what else."
"Alright honey, They are standing outside your building please wave for their attention.
"Thanks you!"

I run to then door dropping my phone as I call for them raising my arms and flailing them around helplessly.

They start running up the stairs and soon they are up in front of me marching in. I close my eyes and force the tears to stop as I guide them to the bathroom and look away from the scene as I hear one of them let out a sigh and the other clear their throat.

It's so sick how they probably have seen this before. I lean myself against the wall and run my hand through my hair pulling at the blonde locks. I slowly slide down as I start the fountain again, I wipe my tears as fast as they came continuing the motion as I listen in to their conversation.

"She still has a pulse, very faint about 40bpm, she's close to dying."
"We have to stabilise her, and get blood flowing back into her veins."
"Bring her out of the tub."

I hear the water move and splash as Jens critical body gets taken out and placed in a stretcher.

Wrapping a towel around her they put some kind of sticker thing on her wounds shutting them off so she is unable to bleed any further.

Suddenly her heart beat goes erratic and the two males reach into their bag getting out a  defibrillator and rubbing them together, I cover my ears and whimper as I see her body convulse.

I close my eyes crawling into a ball as they stabilise her heart rate. I notice her hand is closed which is strange so I point it out whimpering as I do so.

One of the paramedics looked and me and back the hand as he reached for it, as he untangled her fingers something rose gold and crystally rolled out falling to the floor.

It rolled around and ended up right in front of me it had seemed like time stopped as the object slowed its movements.

The object finally came to halt in front of me and my eyes widened seeing what it was.
"The promise ring." I say mutely

I pick it up in both of my hands looking over every detail, the way Jens and Mays name intertwine and how there are crystal hearts all over just like mays. The tiny custom Lovisa signature on the inside.

The paramedics call on me and ask if I would like to ride in the van with them and escort her to the hospital which I hesitantly decline.

As I see her being loaded onto the van and the doors close blocking her from view I feel reality sink in, i fall to my knees and scream. I scream so loud that people came over thinking I needed help. But when they saw the ambulance they realised what could've happened and decided to leave me alone whispering things like poor guy, hope she gets better, he will move on.

I shake my head at the last one and continue to sob, I reach my hand in my pocket and take out my phone dialling Jungkooks number instantly.
"Hey baby."
"Jungkookie I need you Jen she hurt herself I-"
"I'm on my way baby you don't have to explain if you don't feel up to it."
I hear the clink of keys in the background and smile.
"I'm at her address." I say between sobs
"Ok I'll be right there stay in the line for me Alright it's gonna be ok baby Jens gonna be just fine."
"Ok Kookie."
And it continues like that every time I would sob he would comfort me and tell me reassuring words.

When he arrived he pulls over and I shakily stand up, he runs over to me and pulls me in a tight hug and I just break down in his arms, feeling the safest in them.

"Shhhh baby it's gonna be alright, Jens gonna be just fine."
And really coming from him, that's all the reassurance I needed.
IM CRYING!!😢😭😭💜💜💜💜 love you guys so much!!💜💜

Kookie for mayo- why aren't you responding anymore? Are you busy sis? But anyways I love you so much more than words describe I can't wait to have an hour long convo with you again!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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