Two crossed off

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"I'm sorry but you can't be my sugar daddy if you don't have any money."
I say chuckling, he's still young probably blew money off of the car and was broke.

"You still call me daddy tho."
"SHUT UP! that's beside the point!"
"I have money wont tell you where I get it from just that I have it, don't girls love a man of mystery?"
"Who said I'm a girl?!"
"You certainly don't have the ass of a male."
"That's just cause no one can be as bootilicious as me!"
"Your right baby, you have a ms universe ass."
"What, do I look like I'm wearing space pants?"
"Yes cause your ass is out of this world."
"My god your horny."
"Only for you."
"Better be."

He chuckles grabbing my waist and bring me to sit on his lap, wrapping me up in his tight hold. Placing his chin on my shoulder as he gently sways,
"What are you doing?"
"Back hug."

After a moment of peaceful silence I rethink the back hug and look back at him,
"What, am I not good enough for a regular one?"
1 hour later~

Ok number one checked off next item is,
Ask May when she's gonna talk to Jen.

I started walking up to her room and knock gently. Hearing her scramble behind the door I wait patiently and soon the door knob begins to twist. I am met with a bored looking May and notice that Aiden isn't in there,
"Where'd the guy go?"
"He went out."
"Thought he was broke."
"Gave him some cash."

I widened my eyes at May obliviousness like damn can you not see the bastard is using you?!

I went in not saying anything especially if I wanted to have her in a good mood while I ask the following question.

She sits us down on her bed and I tap my foot before trying to get the words in order to make it a more smooth transition into this touchy sub-
"You wanna talk about Jen don't you?"

Ok I guess this is an ok transition.

"Yes. May it's been almost a week and you haven't said a word about her nor tried to does just a word with her."

"She hasn't either!"

"We're not children May! You can't play the 'they didn't either game' with me."

"But it's true, why the hell hasn't she tried do I really mean that little to her!" May says tears welling up in her eyes.

"May I believe Jen is taking this way harder than you."

"Oh and what makes you say that! If she even cared about me the slightest bit she would've called! I'm too heartbroken to start anything and-

"MAY! Have you even thought about the fact that it could be the same thing for her! Like goddamnit, she is fucking in love with you are you too blind to even see it!"

"No Jen isn't in love with me we're sisters!"

"Fuckin hell this whole time you have been 'sister zoning' her and she has put up with it why? Cause she fucking loves you and can't move on! The reason she hasn't called is because she's heart broken! Every day that she comes to school she looks worse, her eyes have dark circles underneath them and her skin is pale and she has been loosing so many pounds. It even looks like her hair is thinning, sometimes in the middle of class she'll excuse herself and run to the bathroom only to come back minutes later eyes puffy red and swollen. May, Jen is taking this ten times worse then you, do if you think your heart broken she must've had her heart ripped from her chest torn apart and stomped on."

May is full blown crying now, it took the mention of Jens state to finally bring her back to reality.

"I'll talk to her, but not now. I have to get everything in order first. I just can't belive that Jen would-

She doesn't end her sentence sobbing again I sigh deeply and rub her back.

"I'll leave you alone for now then this getting things in order thing you have to do isn't a project for two."

She nods and I smile straightly before standing up and leaving.

I cross out talk to May and sigh looking at number three,

I go to the bedroom when I hear some rustling, I walk in and see Jimin looking through his wardrobe.
"What's up baby?"
"I'm going to go see Jen today."
"She looked horrible in class I just wanted to make sure she eats and bring her to the doctors."
"Do you wnat me to come baby?"
"No someone needs to watch May and make sure Aiden doesn't pull anything here."
"Ok your right when you coming home?"
"Around nine."
"Ok baby by the way when do we have to meet your boss?"
"Tomorrow would be best since we are both free no school no work and May and Aiden are going out for a 'date'. That little parasite."

I chuckle while wrapping my arms around his waist softly swaying.

"Make sure to show me what your going to wear before you leave."

He giggles and takes a few things before going into the bathroom.

"Why are you hiding I've seen it all before."
"Omg pervert shut up!!"

I grab my phone and scroll through social media seeing all the celebrity couples posts and their ship names being spammed in the comments.

"What would our ship name be?
Jungmin... nah
Kookmin... that's alright
Kookji... hall nah
Jikook... oooo that's nice"

"Yeah I like jikook too!"

I bring my eyes up hearing that same bubbly voice, and my eyes met something so cute I felt like I couldn't function.

Jimin was wearing a large light pink sweater that reaches mid thigh and right under was a pair of white short only a centimetre longer than the sweater his bangs were out and he had taken his contacts off.


I saw him giggle a slight pink hue rising to his cheeks he then goes to the dressing table and puts his contacts back on.
"See you soon babe." He says walking up to me and playing a kiss on my forehead.

"See you soon baby."

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